Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Summer Term - Homework
You will find the Year 6 homework on Class Dojo. In general, you will have one piece of English and one piece of maths each week, plus your spellings and daily reading.
Hello Year 6 - Welcome Back!
Welcome Back from Mr Jackson and Mrs Baker
Mrs Baker and I are so pleased to welcome you back for your final term at primary school. We know that the last few months have been very strange for you all, but please do not worry We will make sure that you are safe and that you are happy! We will explain all of the changes that have had to take place this term so that you can start learning in a safe, enriched environment straight away.
Year 6 is a brilliant year - you will be at the top of the school and we are certain you will be amazing ambassadors for the younger children.
I will teach you on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Baker will teach you on Thursday and Friday. On Monday and Tuesday you will be supported by Mrs Foskett and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday you will be supported by Mrs Barwick.
P.E. will take place on Monday and Thursday. Please wear your PE kits on that day.
Your new lunchtime is 12:45pm until 1:35pm so you might want to bring in a more substantial snack for playtime, which is at 10.30am.
For the time being, you start school at 8.45am and go home at 3.20pm. You will come into school through your Year 6 fire door.
We are going to have a wonderful last term together!
The Roman Empire
One of our topics is The Roman Empire and the children have been studying this important aspect of World history and relating it to other major periods in history. The children have really enjoyed researching Hadrian's Wall and have made posters and fact files in order to display accurate historical facts. (See pictures). Our topic will continue where we will study the British Resistance to The Romans after half term and focus on the events of 'Boudicca's Rebellion' from different perspectives. The topic will then move onto Roman technology with regard to Roman Music, Mosaics, Roads and finally, Roman Gods.
Our topic in R.E. this term is Christianity and the children have had the opportunity to discuss their perceptions of Jesus Christ and to reflect on key words to describe the character of Jesus. The photograph shows some of the children's artwork.
English - Newspaper Reports
In English, our class book this half term has been Pig-Heart Boy. We planned, drafted, edited and then wrote a best piece of writing in the genre of a newspaper report. These reports are in the Year 6 cloakroom and they are so good we would like to share them with you.