Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Non Pupil Day 25th October 2024
- Individual and sibling photos 8th November 2024 at 08:30
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
So here we are, the last homework of the academic year! However, I would strongly urge you to keep up with reading over the summer break. Both Suffolk and Essex libraries are running their annual summer reading challenge. If the children register at their local library and read six books over the course of the holiday, they are awarded a certificate and medal. It is a well run program and both of my children have taken part before and enjoyed it.
Tables to learn this week: Next week, I will test the children on the 3 times table. If required, I will also focus on this table the following week.
Spellings: Now that we have completed the assessment work we started last week, we can now focus on spelling from the Year 3/4 list that are still proving tricky. They are the usual suspects (words with double letters, silent letter or unusual letter combinations). I would also like all children to learn the same spellings for the final five weeks of the year, so there will be no separate A and B lists from now on. The words to learn for next week are as follows:
- occasion
- opposite
- peculiar
- position
- possess
- possible
- pressure
- promise
- quarter
- recent