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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Welcome to Year One - Badger class
Miss Scott
Welcome to year one's class page. In year one we love investigating, learning and exploring new things both inside and outside of the classroom. We always try to accept a challenge with a positive and resilient mind-set and are proud of the work we complete. If you would like to keep up to date with our current learning please check our class page.
In Science we have been learning about materials and their properties. Today, we have been exploring different materials in order to create our own 'materialsaurs'. First we chose the materials we would like to use and then labelled them with descriptive words. Take a look at some of our creations!
Today we have been learning to give clear and accurate instructions to our friends so they can complete an obstacle course. We had a great time making our own course and then guiding our friends through them.
This week we have been using positional language. Using our knowledge we have been directing our friends through a maze. Take a look at some of our fun!
Today in Science we have been creating our own working circuits. We spoke about the aspects all circuits need in order to work and then used our knowledge to create our own. We were able to create a complete working circuit and explain the role of each of the elements we had used. Well done Year One!
Today we have been learning to identify odd and even numbers. We worked together to share out and see whether it is fair. Take a look at our fantastic work.
Today we have been very busy learning more about our new topic 'The Great Fire of London'. After discovering that the fire originally started in a bakery on Pudding lane, we decided to try our hands at baking. We had a great time and had fantastic results!