Welcome to year one's class page. In year one we love to learn by exploring and investigating both inside and outside of the classroom. We are always up for a challenge and most of all, we have lots of fun! This year we will be working independently and learning in a positive and safe learning environment. On this page we will keep you updated with all of our current learning, so you can see what we have been up to.
Today we had a fantastic time exploring Little City. It was lovely to watch the children play so co-operatively and imaginatively together. This was a fantastic learning experience and opportunity for all of the children. A great time was had by all!
Sports Day- 25/06/2021
We were very excited to take part in our first sports day! We did a running race, egg and spoon and then finished with an obstacle race. Everyone did really well and enjoyed cheering and supporting each other.
Athletics: Throwing skills- 22/06/2021
Today we practised our under and over arm throwing skills in our PE session. We are now very good with our throwing and catching skills.
RE: The Torah- 16/06/2021
In RE we enjoyed learning about the Torah. We learnt that in the Jewish faith they use a special scroll called a Torah. Once we had learnt about the Torah, we then had a go at making our own.
English: Writing and retelling stories- 11/06/2021
In English we have been busy writing our own imaginative stories. Once we had written our stories, we shared them with our friends and had great fun acting them out.
Skipping day- 10/06/2021
This afternoon we had a great time practising our skipping skills with Dan the skipping man. The children showed some great skills and brilliant determination, perseverance and resilience throughout the session. Well done everyone!
Wacky Wardrobe Day- 27/05/2021
Art/DT: African Pinch Pots- 25/05/2021
We have thoroughly enjoyed our Art/DT project for this half term. We started off by doing some research into African pinch pots, looking at a variety of different shapes and designs. Then we planned our pinch pots, thinking very carefully about the size, shape and design of our pots. Using our plan, we made our pinch pots using clay and various tools to help us calve in different patterns. The next stage was painting our pots and then to finish ,we added a glaze to them to help make them shine. Once we had finished, we evaluated them and were very excited to be taking them home! I was so impressed with the children's perseverance and creative skills they brought to making their pots. Well done everyone, your pots look amazing!
Science/Computing: Animals and their Habitats- 23/05/2021
We used a paint programme on the tablets in our Science learning today. Our task was to draw an animal with their habitat. We had to select our colours carefully and choose what size brush we wanted. Here is a snapshot of some of our fantastic work!
Topic: Human and Physical Geography- 07/05/2021
We have been learning about human and physical Geography as part of our topic work. Our job was to sort different pictures accordingly, by working together as a team.
RE: The story of Zacchaeus- 05/05/2021
In RE we have been learning about the story of 'Zacchaeus'. Here are a few pictures of us acting out the story with our friends.
Science: Habitat hunt- 26/04/2021
Today we took our Science learning outside to learn about different types of habitats. We enjoyed going on a 'habitat hunt' around the School in the lovely sunshine!
Cricket- 20/04/2021
In PE we have been working on our cricket skills. Here we are in action!
Tennis - 16/04/2021
Today we were very excited to have our first tennis coaching session. We learnt a range of different tennis skills and enjoyed practising these skills alongside our friends.
Topic: String Telephones- 24/03/2021
As part of our topic work, we have been learning about how technology and in particular phones have changed over time. Today we had a go at designing and making our own string telephones. We then had lots of fun talking to our friends through them. Well done everyone, your telephones look great! J
PE: Team games- 23/03/2021
Over the last few weeks our PE sessions have been focused on teamwork. Here we are completing a range of different physical activities, which have involved us all working together as a team.
Red Nose Day- 19/03/2021
English: Non-Fiction texts- 16/03/2021
We have been learning about non-fiction texts. To start with we discussed the different features of a non-fiction text and then practised finding and using them in a range of different books.
Maths: Exploring Capacity- 15/03/2021
In Maths we have been learning about capacity and to help us with this, we practised making different capacities using various objects and materials.
Science: Planting Beans- 08/03/2021
We enjoyed our first day back at School and planted our beans as part of our Science learning. We talked about how we will need to look after our beans and we look forward to watching them grow!
Welcome back everyone! We have had a great first week together and the children have settled back into our School routine really well. It has been wonderful to have all the children back and we have had lots of fun together.
Christmas hats ready for our Christmas dinner!- 10/12/2020
Today we are all very excited that it was Christmas dinner, so we thought why not add to the excitement and make Christmas hats! We enjoyed listening to Christmas music whilst we were making our hats and eating our Christmas dinner!
Science: Absorbent Materials- 23/11/2020
We have been learning about absorbent materials in Science. Today our challenge was to carry out an experiment, to find out which material could be used to make an umbrella with. We tested lots of different materials and then recorded our findings.
Maths: Shape hunt- 23/11/2020
Today we went on a shape hunt. We were looking for lots of different shapes that surround us. We practised naming and describing the properties of the different shapes we found.
Magnetic fun- 16/11/2020
In Science we have been learning about magnetic materials. Today we carried out our own experiment, using magnets to test different materials to see if they were magnetic or not. We made predictions first and then tested our predictions to see if we were right. This was great fun and we all loved using the magnets!
Children in Need Day 13.11.20
Remembrance- 11/11/2020
We made poppies to hold during our two minute silence today.
The Gunpowder plot and firework pictures- 05/11/2020
This week we have been learning about The Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire night. First we listened to the story and then, we sequenced the story by cutting and sticking different pictures. The next day we talked about Fireworks and how to keep safe around them. We looked at the different type of fireworks and had a go at creating our own firework display, using the oil pastels.
Computing: Creating topic pictures using paint- 21/10/2020
Today we took our Art session to the tablets! We used the tablets to paint our own representation of 'The Great Fire of London'. The children had lots of great ideas and thought carefully about what colours and brush size they needed to select. Here is a snapshot of some of our fantastic pictures.
Art: Using oil pastels to create 'The Great Fire of London'- 19/10/2020
In Art, we used the oil pastels to create our own picture of 'The Great Fire of London'. We took inspiration from other pieces of Art work and had a go at drawing our own pictures. Well done everyone, they look fabulous!
English: Story tellers- 13/10/2020
This week we have finished our class story and our first activity, was to sequence the story using pictures. Once we had done that, we used our work to help us retell the story to a partner. Lots of us used expression and different voices when retelling the story which was great to hear. Well done everyone, you make fantastic story tellers!
Science: Properties of materials- 05/10/2020
Today we were exploring properties of different materials. We used different adjectives to describe the textures of materials and then recorded our findings.
DT: Tudor Houses- 01/10/2020
Our DT project for this half term was to make paper Tudor houses. We used a range of skills and designed our houses very carefully. Once we had made them, we evaluated them and enjoyed making a Tudor village in the classroom with them.
Music: Hey you! 25/09/2020
We had a fun afternoon exploring our new piece of music called 'Hey you'. We listened and appraised the music then added our own dance moves! To finish, we went on to finding the beat of the music by pretending to be different animals. Everyone had lots of fun and we created some brilliant dance moves!
Art/DT: Paper skills and techniques- 23/09/2020
In preparation to make our Tudor style houses, today we experimented with using paper in lots of different ways. All these skills and techniques will help us, when it comes to designing our houses.
PSHE: Circle time- 21/09/2020
Today we played lots of circle time games and one of our favourite games was pass the smile :) We all had the opportunity to talk and we even learnt some new things about our fellow class mates!
Art: Charcoal Tudor houses- 17/09/2020
In Art we used charcoal to create a Tudor style house. We have been learning about Tudor houses in our topic work and today we had a go at creating our own. We took our time and followed step-by-step instructions about how to compose our houses. We started with the outline for our house, followed by the windows and then adding on the beams. We experimented with different ways of how to use the charcoal, in order to create different effects. Well done everyone your houses look great and will take pride of place on display.
Topic: Ordering events- 16/09/2020
Our history topic for this half term is the 'Great Fire of London'. To begin our session today, we ordered the different events that happened into a timeline. After this, we went on to look at London in the past and in the present day. We compared the different type of buildings, transport, jobs and clothes that people used to wear.
Come and ask us about our topic, we already know so much. We can't wait to see where our topic takes us next!
Science: Material hunt-14/09/2020
In Science we have been on a hunt, looking for different materials and what they have been used to make. We spoke about why those materials may have been used and their properties. We soon noticed that we are surrounded by many different materials and we were able to name so many! Everyone really enjoyed the hunt and we all had lots of great ideas.
PE- 08/09/2020
Today we enjoyed our first PE lesson of year one in the sunshine! We focused on spatial awareness and ensuring we didn't bump into anyone else! One of our favourite activities was moving in different ways, especially as different animals. Can you guess what we are? A brilliant first session, well done year one! :)
Our first few days in year 1- 04/09/2020
We have really enjoyed our first few days in year 1. It's been very exciting exploring our new classroom and we love our new outdoor area! Here is just a few snapshots of some of the fun we have had.
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