Calendar Dates
- To build a solid foundation of phonics knowledge and language comprehension skills necessary to read, and the skills to communicate
- To ensure reading books connect closely to the phonics knowledge pupils are taught when they are learning to read
- To follow a rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum to develop pupils’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment of reading
Guided reading
Teachers bring reading to life and help pupils to discover their inner reading voice through modelling in class the importance of tone, pausing for effect, emphasis etc. Each class completes whole class reading sessions following the CUSP reading scheme. The school’s reading curriculum achieves breadth and depth through well-sequenced, cumulative units, which incorporate revisiting of learning. The CUSP curriculum ensures that the school’s teaching of reading is firmly based upon current research and best practice. The curriculum incorporates fluency exercises into the sequence of learning which helps pupils to develop their expression and confidence in reading aloud. Each year group has a selection of core texts and poems that form the depth of study for the academic year. These texts have been mapped carefully to ensure a breadth of experiences, authors, texts and themes are addressed from EYFS through to Year 6. These core texts are designed to promote a love of reading, build pupils’ vocabulary and encourage discussion and deep thinking about key moral, ethical, social or cultural issues. Pupils will learn to develop a deeper understanding of the wider world through the texts that they explore.
This is achieved through;
- Daily timetabled whole class reading sessions in KS2 and Year 2
- Two sessions a week in Year 1.
- Four structured story time sessions in EYFS which introduces a range of themes, vocabulary and fluency exercises.
Early reading
In EYFS and Year 1, children use the Little Wandle Reading Books (Big Cat Collins) which are fully decodable and matched to the Little Wandle phonics programme of progression.
These books:
- Exactly match the Little Wandle phonics progression
- Present only GPCs (Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence) that have been taught
- Include only tricky words that have been taught
Books are matched to children’s phonic knowledge based on data from half termly assessments. The same book is sent home to practice fluent reading.
In Reception reading books with words are sent home as soon as the child can blend. Prior to this wordless books are used. Reading Practice sessions are timetabled in accordance with Little Wandle Scheme. They are taught by a trained teacher or teaching assistant in small groups.
Children also take home a reading for pleasure book. The selection of this book is supported and the session develops book talk, familiarisation of authors and a love of books.
To find out more about how we teach Phonics and early reading in our school please follow the link
Keep-up lessons ensure every child learns to read
Any child who needs additional practice has Keep-up Support, taught by a fully trained adult. Keep-up lessons match the structure of class teaching, and use the same procedures, resources and mantras, but in smaller steps with more repetition, so that every child secures their learning.
We timetable phonics ‘catch-up’ sessions for any child in Year 2 or 3 who is not fully fluent at reading. These children urgently need to catch up, so the gap between themselves and their peers does not widen. We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessments to identify the gaps in their phonic knowledge and teach to these using the Keep-Up resources.
Reading for pleasure
Pupils are continually encouraged to share their love of books. The school promotes a positive reading culture and celebrates the magic of learning through books in a number of ways. This includes but is not limited to:
- Each week our classes visit our library filled with exciting, high quality texts that are constantly being updated and developed to engage, broaden and stimulate pupil’s love of reading, imagination and reading adventures
- Each class creating a reading scrapbook. Each child contributes to this during the academic year. They create a page to share their favourite book and why they would recommend it before having the opportunity to share this book with their class
- During World Book Day children came to school dressed as their favourite book character, and we have special character visitors come and read stories as surprise guests during assembly e.g. Mary Poppins
- In May we hold a book fair at school. To help promote this special event we have a ‘Get Caught Reading’ competition. Children enter photographs of themselves reading in interesting places to win a book voucher prize
- The school has a reading buddy system in place between the EYFS and Year 6 children. Each week the children meet up for a shared story time, where each child has the opportunity to read.
Reading at home
When parents enrol their child at our school, they enter into a home - school agreement. Part of this is that parents will support their child’s reading fluency and comprehension through regular reading at home. As recognition for their commitment to reading, each week we run a reading challenge in school. In EYFS and KS1, each time the children have read, they earn a raffle ticket. On Friday, we complete a draw and one child takes home a hot chocolate and teddy plus a book to keep! The teddy is then returned to school the following week ready for the next reading assembly. In KS2 the children work as a team to each read 3 times or more. The class with the highest percentage of readers receive some additional break time and a new book to keep in their class!
You can see the progression map for our reading books here: Progression Map
Please remember that all children progress at their own rates though and reading widely and very regularly is important.
- All pupils will be able to read with accuracy, speed, confidence, fluency and understanding, ready to access the secondary school curriculum.
- All pupils will make at least good progress from their starting points.
- Pupils will develop a life-long enjoyment of reading and books.
Book recommendations
Please click on the link below to see books recommended for each year group.