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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Today you need to complete the following:

  • Maths Minutes (Flashback Week 7 Day 1)
  • Maths Lesson 1: Hours, minutes and seconds
  • Break
  • Spelling: Read the words aloud 
  • English: Illustrate the events in the opening paragraphs
  • Lunch
  • Read for 30 minutes
  • Geography: Visit Madagascar  
  • Times Tables Rock Stars (Garage and Sound Check)
  • 60 minutes of physical exercise 



Geography: Use the map on Espresso to visit Madagascar and create a Travel Journal


Complete the learning in the following order:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Complete the questions about the video in 'investigate the video'
  3. Look at the photos
  4. Read the information
  5. Study the map
  6. Complete the quiz
  7. Finally, make a Travel Journal using 'Activities'