Latest news
- Coronation at Church 5th May 2023
- Easter Gardens - Year R 5th April 2023
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Another week of home learning. We are still so impressed with the work that you have been sending in to us on ClassDojo. It has also been wonderful to see some of you in school last week and we look forward to seeing you again next week.
We are in conversation with East Bergholt High School about transition work and we will update you with more information once we have it.
Please find below all of the resources you will need for another week of home learning. Keep up the hard work.
We are reaching the climax of our story Floodland. We will be finishing the book this week so there will be a lot of reading / listening to do. Therefore the amount of writing required won't be as much. Save your ink for next when you'll be writing quite a bit more!
Please find the remaining chapters and resources below. I will upload the recordings on Dojo next when needed.