Calendar Dates
Today you need to complete the following:
- Maths Minutes (Flashback Week 8 Day 5)
- Maths Lesson 5: White Rose Friday Maths Challenge
- Break
- Spelling: Test Week 7 words
- English: Hotseat Questions
- Lunch
- Read for 30 minutes
- Design and Technology
- Times Tables Rock Stars (Garage and Sound Check)
- 60 minutes of physical exercise
Design and Technology
This week, decide what product you want to design and make, then complete pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the booklet. The pages are not in order because they assume you are going to print it and fold it. You do not need to print it, you can copy the layout of pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 into your book and fill them in. :)
Design and build a product of your choice over the next 7 weeks eg.,
A meal/cake/smoothie
A marble run
A purse
A model sail boat
A hat
A puppet
A dice game
A paper aeroplane
A jigsaw
A pop-up card