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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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 Welcome to Reception - Ladybird Class   
Miss Scott

Welcome to our class page. In Reception, we love investigating, learning and exploring new things using both our indoor and outdoor environment. We always try to accept a challenge with a positive and resilient mind-set and have lots of fun. We complete work that we are proud of and would love to share it with you. If you would like to keep up to date with our current learning, please check our class page.

Our wonderful world (07.05.2021)

As part of our Religious Education learning, we have been exploring our wonderful world and how we can take care of it. Today, the children have been looking around our school for some of the wonderful creatures that have made their home here. 

Weather music (26.04.2021)

This morning  the children have had fun creating their own music to create the sound of different weather types. They had fun exploring musical sounds for thunder, rain, snow and wind. Once they had identified which instruments they thought best suited the weather types they then created their own piece of music in groups. 

Planting cress (22.04.2021)

Today we have been busy planting cress seeds as part of our topic work. First we learnt about the different things plants need to grow then we used our knowledge to help us when planting our very own cress seeds. We had a fantastic time and cannot wait to watch them change over the next week. 

Football (13.04.2021)

This morning we started our day with a PE lesson. We learnt about the part of the foot that we should use when kicking a ball and then practised our control by playing a variety of games. The children showed great perseverance during the session and were able to keep good control of their ball. Take a look at some of our fun!

World Book Day (13.03.2021)

On Friday we had our World Book Day celebrations. We had a wonderful time talking about our book characters and sharing some of our stories. Take a look at some of our super costumes. 

Exploring materials (16.12.2020)

We have been having a wonderful time exploring different materials this morning. First we described the different materials we could see using our senses. Then we discussed what it meant for a material to be bendy before sorting them by their properties. Take a look at our super sorting!

Christmas dinner

Today we had a wonderful time listening to Christmas music, creating Christmas hats and eating a delicious Christmas lunch. Take a look at some of our fun!

Snow much fun!

We had so much fun in our Reception garden this morning in the snow.

Sequencing numbers (25.11.2020)

Today, we have been helping Miss Scott to hang out some of the washing in our garden. We noticed that there were numbers on the clothes and so tried to hang them out in the correct order. Great sequencing everyone :D

Children in Need Day 13.11.20

Remembrance (11.11.2020)

This week we have been working on a school project to create our own poppies. We created our poppies and learnt about why people wear them.

Brilliant balancing (07.10.2020)

This week in PE we have been practising our balancing skills. First we practised balancing a bean bag on our heads experimenting with how we travelled. Then we decided to take on Miss Scott's challenge and try and balance our beanbags in different ways. We had lots of fantastic ideas, balancing them on our arms, shoulders, backs and even feet!

Collaborative art (23.09.2020)

Today we have been working together to create a collage. We spoke about the different insects we might find in our gardens whilst we worked. We thought carefully about the colours that we wanted to use and discussed together.

Our first week at school

We have been having a wonderful time exploring our new classroom and outdoor area this week in Reception. I have been so impressed with how well the children have settled in and I am very much looking forward to working with them this year.