Calendar Dates
Year 5
Year 5 - Owls - Miss Liddle
Hello everyone and welcome to your new class page! Year 5 is going to be great fun, especially as we're starting with a very interesting science topic which should give us plenty of practical work to be getting on with...
Check here to see what we've been getting up to in class - I will do my best to upload once a week :) Although your homework will now be set via Dojo, you can still find a half-termly spellings overview through the 'Spellings' splodge.
Friday 25th June - Sports day!
Thursday 13th May - Turtle weaving!
Tuesday 27th April - Our classroom became a Spanish restaurant
Thursday 22nd April - Outdoor cross-curricular learning - The Amazon!
Tuesday 6th October - Clay in RE!
Today, we used the skills we learned when working with clay in Art to create our own statue of God incarnate. We really enjoyed ourselves, making a range of unique, beautiful sculptures!
Upload overload!
My apologies, uploading once a week got lost somewhere in the madness of the return to school. However, I have been taking lots of pictures of our learning that I'd like to share with you. First, you can see us working outside in an English lesson, 'interviewing' characters from our class story. Next, we had lots of fun experimenting with clay before going on to shaping and carving designs into our real Roman pots. After that, you can see us all working hard on a fact-finding mission about Julius Caesar, hopefully at home you've heard some of his important achievements! If you want a giggle, have a look at when we transformed our classroom into a gym! We completed a 'Baby Shark ab challenge' for our warm up and then did some circuit training as it was pouring outside, it was hard but good fun. Finally, you can see us working hard on our PowerPoint presentations, consolidating our learning into interesting slides and developing our word processing and design abilities.
Science - 10th September
Today, we began to build our initial understanding of the circulatory system! We all took part in recreating the blood's journey around the body. We had the lungs, a heart, arteries and veins, muscles, as well as deoxygenated and oxygenated blood! It was great fun and helped us to better understand how the circulatory system functions.