Calendar Dates
Year 2
Year 2 - Hedgehog Class
Mrs Bowman
Welcome to year 2's class website page. Here you will find information, pictures and examples of what we have been learning in our class. In year 2 we aim to challenge ourselves, be resilient learners and have fun!
This half term our topic is 'Bonjour'. Make sure you keep checking our page to see what we have been up to.
Summer newsletter
Spring newsletter 2018
Trip to Old Hall - 24.04.2018
World Book Day - 08.03.2018

27.02.2018 - SNOW!!!!

09.02.2018 Flapjack making, packaging design and instruction writing

05.02.2018 3d Shape fun - Exploring propeties through problem solving
Final Forest School Session - 08.01.2017

Christams Penguin Experience at Colchester Zoo - 28.11.2017
We even saw Father Christmas at the Zoo!
Forest School - 27.11.2017
This week we played a game called 'eagle eye' in the woods. It started to rain so we made and decorated our own shelter which some of year 2 used to practice singing their nativity songs under! We also put out a motion sensor camera to try and capture some pictures of any animals that visit the area.

Forest School - 20.11.2017
At forest school this week we created different habitats for our toy animals. We also put down a tray of sand to try and track animal prints.
Children in Need 2017
PE - 10.11.2017
This week we were looking at working as a team. We played two different games which progressed to develop our tem work skills. Our favourite game was 'The Scarecrow' where we had to pick an item of equipment, travel to our scarecrow (team mate) in the specified way and balance the item on them. Different bits of equipment were worth different points. We were all the scarecrow at some point and we had great fun!
PE - 03.11.2017 - We relly enjoyed playing fish and rod to practice our throwing skills and increase our accuracy.

We have been experimenting with light sources and reflectors using a light box - 01.11.2017

Exploring symmetry and shape - 19.10.2017

Autumn newsletter
Football Coaching - 06.10.2017
Science - 05.10.2017
In Science we have been exploring plants. This week we looked at the lifecycle of different plants and began to look at different types of seed dispersal. We enjoyed looking at the sycamore seed which falls like a helicopter. The children then made their own sycamore seeds using paper and enjyed watching them fall.

Harvest Festival Still Life - 26.09.2017
In RE we have been thinking about harvest festival. We harvested some fruit and vegetables from the school garden alongside some others that Mrs Hutchings had bought into school. We then created some still life drawings of this colourful collection.