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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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12/7/19 Week 12 Homework


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read. 


Spellings:  Words from the statutory list


Times tables: All (focus on the one you are least fluent on)

Recite the times table you are least fluent on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the Year 4 times tables test.


No further homework set; however, I have added a link below to the symmetry activities we have covered in class this week. 

5/7/19 Week 11 Homework


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Spellings:  Words from the statutory list


Times tables: 11s and 12s

Recite the 11 and 12 times tables on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.


No further homework set; this is inline with the School's policy for the latter half of the Summer Term.  

28/6/19 Week 10 Homework


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Spellings:  Adding the suffix 'ly' to words ending in 'y', 'le' and 'ic'.


Times tables: 11s and 12s

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.


No further homework set; this is inline with the School's policy for the latter half of the Summer Term.  However, the children can use the link below to access the angles game we played in class this week.

21/6/19 Week 9 Homework


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Spellings:  Words from the statutory list


Times tables: 9s

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.


No further homework set; this is inline with the School's policy for the latter half of the Summer Term.  Enjoy the sunshine.  :)

15/6/19 Week 8 Homework


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Spellings:  Words from the statutory list and proofreading


Times tables: 3s and 6s

Recite the 3 and 6 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.


No further homework set; this is inline with the School's policy for the latter half of the Summer Term.  Enjoy the sunshine.  :)



7/6/19 Week 7 Homework


Spellings:  Words with the suffix 'ous' meaning 'full of'


Times tables: 4s and 8s

Recite the 4 and 8 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent. 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.


Cross-curricular Geography and Maths

Please watch the first video and complete the first two activities (you are not expected to complete the work on 'translation' although I know some of you will).   :)  



17/5/19 Week 4 Homework


Spellings:  Homophones

Times tables: Just the 9s this week

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.  


Grammar Task:

Following this week's Grammar lesson on using pronouns, please use the link below to review the video and complete both quizzes and the activity.

10/5/19 Week 3 Homework


Spellings: Apostrophes for possession, including singular and plural


Times tables: Mix up of the 4s and 8s (look to identify doubling patterns)

Recite the 4 and 8 times tables on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.  


Science Task:

Following this week's Science lesson about the digestive system, please use the link below to watch the video and complete the associated activity.  As an extension, complete the activities about teeth as well.

3/5/19 Week 2 Homework


Spellings: Words from the statutory list (the full list is printed in the centre of the Reading Record)


Times tables: Mix up of the 3s and 6s (look to identify doubling patterns)

Recite the 3 and 6 times tables on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.  


English Task:

Following this week's Grammar lesson about paragraphs, please use the link below to watch the video.  Afterwards, complete both quizzes and the activity.

26/4/19 Week 1 Homework


Spellings: Words with ending 'sion'


Times tables: Mix up of the 2s and 4s (look to identify doubling patterns)

Recite the 2 and 4 times tables on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards, from the multiple of 12 to the multiple of 1, you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times tables for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term.  THE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN RECEIVED FOR THE PILOT TEST.  I anticipate that the tests will take place after half term.


Maths Task:

Please play the decimal place value game using the link below.  I have also added links to the decimal hundred squares we have been using in class this week. 

29/3/19 Week 12 Homework


Spellings: Spelling assessment of Years 3 and 4 common exception words (the list can be found in the centre of the Reading Record)


Times table: 12 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 12 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 12 to 1 x 12 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Maths: Please log into Espresso using the link below.  Complete the 'Learning Review' about the influence of Ancient Greeks


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

22/3/19 Week 11 Homework


Spellings: Words with endings 'cian,' 'sion,' 'tion'  and 'ssion'


Times table: 9 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 9 to 1 x 9 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


Maths: Please log into Espresso using the link below.  Watch the videos 'What are decimals,' Place value: decimal numbers' and 'Recognising decimal equivalents.'  Complete the 'Dividing by 10 and 100' activity too.


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

17/3/19 Week 10 Homework


Spellings: Words with endings 'cian,' 'sion,' 'tion'  and 'ssion'


Times table: 8 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 8 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 8 to 1 x 8 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show a disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not.


English: Please use the Espresso link below to over-learn the grammar we have covered in class this week.  Watch the video, complete both quizzes and work through the activity. 


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35



8/3/19 Week 9 Homework


Spellings: Words with prefixes 'anti' and 'inter'


Times table: 8 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 8 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 8 to 1 x 8 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  WE ARE LAST PLACE THIS WEEK.  Three pupils did not have their reading record, and to count towards the class percentage, the child MUST have read to an adult a minimum of three times.  Four children had read twice, but this does not count.  I anticipate that the forthcoming reading assessments will show the disparity between the pupils who have completed the reading homework each week, and those who have not. 


Science: Please look up the weather using the Met Office link below.  The children need to understand the temperature, the precipitation, the wind direction and the humidity.  Also, watch at least two BBC weather forecasts; the pupils will be preparing their own forecast before the end of term

1/3/19 Week 8 Homework


Spellings: Words beginning with 'inter'


Times table: 7 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 7 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 7 to 1 x 7 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  Last week 77% of the class achieved this, but we are a long way behind Year 5 96% and Year 6 100%.


English task: Use the link below to listen and follow the Greek Myth of 'Theseus and the Minotaur' again (we are studying this in class). 


As an extension, investigate the Greek Myth of 'Pandora's Box'.

15/2/19 Week 7 Homework


Spellings: Words from the statutory list


Times table: 7 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 7 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 7 to 1 x 7 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read. 


Maths task: Watch the video about 'Equivalent Fractions' and play the 'Snap the Equivalent Fractions' game  please. You will need to set the speed to low and might need to pause the cards to give you enough time to think.  Pause the game as frequently as you need to.


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

8/2/19 Week 6 Homework


Spellings: Words from the statutory list


Times table: 6 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 6 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 6 to 1 x 6 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read. 


Maths task: Watch the video about 'Understanding Fractions' and complete the 'Ordering Fractions' activity please. 


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35


1/2/19 Week 5 Homework


Spellings: Homophones


Times table: 6 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 6 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 6 to 1 x 6 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  88% of the children read to an adult last week so thank you for all your support, it is making a huge  difference to the children's rate of progress


English task: Watch the video on possessive apostrophes.  Please complete the 'Quiz,' 'Quiz Plus' and 'Activity.'

25/1/19 Week 4 Homework


Spellings: Possessive apostrophe with plurals 


Times table: 4 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 4 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 4 to 1 x 4 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above).  Please begin to use the 'Sound Check' option once a week too; this has been devised to replicate the times tables test that the class will take during the Summer Term


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


English task: Watch the video on direct speech, and complete the quiz, quiz plus and activity.  Use the link below to access the task


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

18/1/19 Week 3 Homework


Spellings: Words with endings 'ture' 


Times table: 4 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 4 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 4 to 1 x 4 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above)


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


Science task: Please use the link below and watch the video. Go through the 'Words' list and check you are secure with all the meanings.  As an extension, click on the 'Links' tab, read the 'Big Book' about the water cycle and complete the quiz.

11/1/19 Week 2 Homework


Spellings: Word families with endings 'ture' 


Times table: 3 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 3 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 3 to 1 x 3 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars.  I have limited the times tables questions in the 'Garage', teacher set area to the times table for that week (see above)


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week.  Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


Maths task: Please use the link below and watch the video.  Complete the activity 'multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number' for mental practice.  Children working at Greater Depth can complete 'multiplying a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number as well   :) 



To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

6/1/18 Week 1 Homework 


Spellings: Words with 'g' sound spelt 'gu'


Times table: 3 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 3 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12 x 3 to 1 x 3 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read

14/12/18 Week 14 Homework


Please continue to read aloud and use Times Tables Rockstars over the Christmas break.  There is no other homework set for  the holiday period; however, if your child wishes to do some additional work, they can use any of the Maths folders I have placed on the class page, or go through the end of term Maths Assessment.


Finally, I would just like to thank you for your support in developing your child's learning, it is greatly appreciated. 


Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  I look forward to seeing you all in January 2019.   


With best wishes,


Mrs Hutchinson   :)

7/12/18 Homework


Week 13 Spellings: Adding suffixes with vowel letters ('ing', 'er', 'en' and 'ed')


Times table: 11 and 12 times tables (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 12 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12x12 to 1x12 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read.  


English: Read and discuss the three Robert Louis Stevenson poems using the Espresso link below.  Complete the 'synonyms' and 'identifying antonyms' activities from the 'activities' tab.

To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

23/11/18 Homework


Week 12 Spellings: Words with the 'sh' sound spelt ch


Times table: 9 times table (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12x9 to 1x9 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


Grammar: The present perfect tense


Please use the link below to revisit the video we watched in class this week.  Please complete the 'Quiz' and 'Quiz Plus'

23/11/18 Homework


Week 11 Spellings: Words with the 'u' sound spelt 'ou', 'oo' or 'oe'


Times table: 9 times table (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 9 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12x9 to 1x9 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


Maths: Multiplying by 10 and 100


Please use the links below to watch the video and play the game.  You can access the Bamzooki game through the Topmarks site or the BBC Bitesize site.

16/11/18 Week 10


Week 10 Spellings: Words with the 'ai' sound spelt 'ei', 'eigh' or 'ey'


Times table: 8 times table (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 8 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12x8 to 1x8 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


English:  Please use the link below and complete the following spelling activities using Espresso:


  • Word endings: changing the 'y' to 'i' in nouns


  • Word endings: changing the 'y' to 'i' in adjectives


  • Word endings: changing the 'y' to 'i' in verbs

  • Word endings: dropping the 'e'



To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

9/11/18 Week 9


Week 9 Spellings: Words with prefixes 'il', 'in', 'im', & 'ir'


Times table: 8 times table (the table will change every other week).

Recite the 8 times table on your way to school every day; when you can do it backwards from 12x8 to 1x8 you will know you are fluent 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week

Spend a third of the time discussing what you have read


Maths: Watch the Espresso video on calculating the difference between two numbers by counting on.  Complete two of the subtraction activities, most of the children should be able to complete the three and four digit subtraction questions


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

2/11/18 Week 8


Week 8 Spellings: Words with prefixes 'il', 'in', 'im', & 'ir'


Times table: 7 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Grammar: Please watch the Espresso videos on prefixes and suffixes (see link below)


Complete two of the prefix activities and two of the suffix activities


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

12/10/18 Week 6


Week 6 Spellings: Words with prefixes 'il', 'in', 'im', & 'ir'


Times table: 6 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Maths: Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers


Please watch the Espresso video on negative numbers and then complete the associated activity 'Negative numbers -20 to 20' (the children do not need to do the other activities because these are pitched at Upper Key Stage 2)


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35

5/10/18 Week 5


Week 5 Spellings: Words from the statutory list


Times table: 6 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Maths: Round any number to the nearest 10, 100,1000


Please watch the Espresso video on rounding whole numbers; after watching the video, complete the associated three activities


Follow this link to the 'rounding rap' that we have used in class this week...enjoy  :)



28/9/18 Week 4


Week 4 Spellings: Homophones


Times table: 4 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Grammar: Please use parents' Espresso login and play the 'nouns and adjectives' game to revise simple word classification:

To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35


We have worked on 'abstract nouns' in class this week; this video may jog a few memories :)

21/9/18 Week 3


Week 3 Spellings: Words from statutory list


Times table: 4 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Maths: Reinforce rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100


Watch the video and complete the interactive game rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.  To achieve greater depth, continue and round numbers to the nearest 1000  :)



14/9/18 Week Two


Week 2 Spellings: Words with 'sure'


Times table: 3 times table (the table will change every other week). 


 At least three visits to Times Tables Rock Stars


Reading: Please read aloud to an adult three times a week


Grammar: Please copy and paste the 'Espresso' link below into your address bar and revisit the work we have completed on tenses this week.  There is a short video to watch and a quiz to undertake.  The children can complete the 'Quiz Plus' section if they wish to achieve a greater depth in learning.


You will be asked for a username and login


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
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7/9/18 Week 1


Spellings - Week 1 'Words from the Statutory List'


Times Tables Rock Stars 3 times table


Play ten games in 'Studio' if you have not already done so


Read aloud at least three times to an adult.  Spend a third of the time discussing the text.
