Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Spring Term 2020
Please continue to read a minimum of three times a week with your child and record this in your child's reading record. By recording any reading done at home, this counts towards our class percentage for the reading challenge each week. In order to win the challenge, we have to be able to see that the children have been listened to read at home at least three times.
Phonics-Reading/Spelling task:
Please practise reading and spelling the tricky words which are attached above with your child each week. They will know some already which is great, so please work on the phase that is appropriate for your child. At the end of each term we check to see how many of the words the children can read and spell, so please practise these on a regular basis.
Writing task:
Sentence writing-
We are learning to write simple sentences which include a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. We are encouraging the children to write independently, by using their phonics knowledge to help them sound out words. Before writing the sentence we ask the children to say the sentence, write it and then read it back at the end. Any extra practise of the children writing phonetically plausible sentences would be a great help to their learning.
Story writing-
Soon we will be writing simple stories, which have a clear structure with a beginning, middle and an end. At home please encourage the children to write their own story and bring it in to share with us. We would love to hear it.
Maths tasks:
One of the skills we are working on with the children is their quick recall of numbers and number facts. Please practise some of the following with your child on a weekly basis:
-Identifying numbers in a random order to 20 and then beyond.
-Ordering numbers to 20 and then beyond.
-Counting beyond 20 forwards and backwards.
-Find one more/one less of any number. This can then be developed further to finding two or three more of a number.
-Adding and subtracting numbers together.
-Number formation- ensuring that the children can form their numbers correctly.
-Number bonds to 10/20- knowing which two numbers add together to make 10/20.
-Finding half or a quarter of a shape or number.
-Sharing objects equally between two groups.
-Identifying 2D and 3D shapes
-Describing the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
-Counting forwards and backwards to 120.
-Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.
-Read and write numbers to 100.
-Read and write numbers to twenty in words.
-Learn to tell the time to the nearest hour and then half past the hour.
-Identifying the value of different coins.
-Adding the value of different coins together.
-Adding ten to any given number and finding the answer.
-Read and spell the days of the week.
Creative task:
This half term our topic is the Seaside. The children's creative task is to create something in association with our topic to bring in and share. A few suggestions might be:
- Painting/drawing of the seaside.
- Designing their own beach.
-Information book, leaflet or poster with facts about different seaside locations.
-Picture board of their memories of the beach.
Please could all homework projects be completed by Friday 22nd May and uploaded on to Tapestry.