Calendar Dates
Year 3
12.06.2019: Today we had a visit from an organisation working to promote understanding of the needs of wheelchair users.
Y3 - Reading with your child
Based on a True Story by The Wolsey Theatre.
This week, we enjoyed watching a performance of 'Based on a True Story - Part One', by the Wolsey Theatre Company. It was a great show, full of excitement and fun. We really enjoyed it.
The Computational Thinking Day at Adastral Park (January 2019)
We gave our brains a real workout this week, when we took part in a computational thinking day at the BT building at Adastral Park in Ipswich. It was all about thinking logically and systematically to solve problems efficiently. The children all behaved beautifully and engaged really well with the challenges they were set.
Children in Need 2018

Forza Italia!
On the 31st of October, Year 3 had a visit from the Ferrari garage in Colchester to round off their learning about Italy. We learned where they are made, how many they make, how they get to England and, last but not least, how much they cost. The children then got to look at the cars (half a million pounds worth!) close up. They even had a chance to sit in them which was a real treat. Many thanks to all the kind members of staff at Lancaster Ferrari in Colchester for making it happen!
In RE this half term, we have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We made Diwali lamps from clay and, when they had dried, painted them.
Building Understanding in Maths.
In maths lessons, we have been using modelling with grids and counters to reinforce the children's understanding of key concepts in maths. This is a vital building block that leads to the written methods that will be introduced this year.