Welcome to Reception's class website page. Here we will be sharing some of our activities and learning that we have been doing in class. The children have settled in really well and have made a great start to their first year at school. Keep checking our page to find out more about different things that we get up to!
Today we have enjoyed a trip to see the farmyard animals at Jimmy's Farm. During the morning we had a fantastic time learning about the working farm and all the different pigs on the farm. After this we then visited the butterfly house, which was very warm! We spoke about the life cycle of a butterfly and some of the children were very lucky to have a butterfly land on them. The children were fascinated by all the different types of butterfly they could spot, all at different stages of their life. After this it was time for the most important part of the day... LUNCH!
After lunch we spent some time feeding the goats and enjoyed stroking the baby rabbits. To finish off our day we went to the woodland area to create our own dens.
Making transport! 12/06/2017
As part of our topic work I set the children the challenge to create a form of transport, using everyday materials. They all worked with a partner and made some fantastic representations of various transport. We had boats, cars, aeroplanes, fire engines, trains and even a hot air balloon! Well done everyone, a great team effort!
A visit from a Vet! 26/05/2017
Today we were very lucky and had a visit from a Vet. She spoke to to us about dogs and how we should look after them. We looked at x-ray pictures and learnt about what Vets do to help animals get better.
Sketching in the BFG- 26/05/2017
We took advantage of the sunny weather and enjoyed doing some sketching in the BFG.
Tesco- 18/05/2017
Today we went to visit Tesco to take part in 'Farm to Fork'. We had a great time and we really enjoyed our first time going on the coach!
Outdoor Maths 17/05/2017
Today we took our Maths learning outside. We were practising our number formation and made our own number lines, by using chalk on the playground. Well done everyone, the playground is full of numbers!
Making Porridge- 16/05/2017
After reading the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' we had a go at making our own porridge. We worked in small groups and all had a go at adding the ingredients and giving the porridge a stir. Some of us made our porridge with water and some of us made it with milk. After we made the porridge we got to taste it and the majority of us really enjoyed it! We thought of lots of descriptive words to describe the taste and appearance of our porridge. The next day we had a go at writing some instructions of how we made our porridge. Well done everyone!
Under the sea group pictures- 11/05/2017
The children were set the challenge to work together as a team to create their own under the sea pictures using wax crayons or oil pastels. Here are a few groups sharing their pictures to the rest of the class.
Making boats- 03/05/2017
Today the children worked with a friend to make a boat! Everyone's boat was unique using a range of different materials. We then had a great fun testing them in the water and most of them floated! Great creativity everyone!
Measuring experts! 26/04/2017
In Maths we are learning about measuring. We discussed what we could use a ruler for and practised measuring different items starting at zero. We learnt that cm is a unit of measure and how to use a ruler properly. We went on a 'measuring walk' around the school and enjoyed measuring different things in different places. Even our friends shoes! What great fun, measuring experts!
A visit to the Library! 27/03/2017
This afternoon we took the children to the school Library. The children had lots of fun looking at books on their own and with their friends. We showed the children where to find story books and where to find information books. Some of the children looked at story books whilst the other children looked at information books. A great afternoon, well done everyone!
A visit to Old Hall- 22/03/2017
Today we were really lucky to visit Old Hall. Firstly we went and saw the pigs and gave them some food. We then went to see the baby lambs and their Mums. Everyone had the opportunity to hold a lamb, which was great fun. We also found out lots of information about the baby lambs e.g. what they eat, where they sleep etc. After the lambs we went and fed the cows and then we went to see the chickens. We were very excited to find that the chickens had laid some eggs! A great trip, well done everyone!
Visiting the Pond 17/03/2017
We were really lucky today to visit the school pond to look at the wildlife living there. We took it in turns to have a closer look and had to be really quiet. We saw lots of frogspawn and even spotted some frogs!
Having fun in SHARE afternoon!
Repeating patterns- 15/03/2017
In Maths we have been exploring patterns. Today we had a go at creating our own repeating pattern using two or three different coloured teddies. Well done everyone!
PE- 14/03/2017
Today in PE we put our climbing and balancing skills to the test! We practised climbing up and on different pieces of equipment, carefully and safely. We were very exicted to be able to use the big blue climbing frame!
World Book Day- 2/03/2017
Science- Floating and sinking 24/02/2017
In Science today we did an experiment to see what objects float or sink in water. We all enjoyed putting different objects into the water, in order to test them. After we had tested all the objects we then recorded our findings. We had a big discussion throughout the activity, about why we think the objects floated or sunk in the water. Well done everyone!
PE- Balancing with a partner 22/02/2017
This week we developed our balancing skills with a partner. We practised balancing our bodies in different ways, trying to hold the balance for five seconds! Well done everyone!
PE- Balancing 08/02/2017
In PE we have been learning to balance. We practised balancing our body in many different ways.
Numicon 02/02/2017
We used Numicon with the children today to order numbers to ten. We explored the feel and shape of the tiles and counted the holes with our fingers. Once we had a good look at the tiles we used them to make a number line from 1-10. We were all really quick and enjoyed using them. Well done everyone!
Bee-bot fun! 25/01/2017
We had great fun exploring the bee-bots today. We enjoyed programming them to move to different places on the mat. Well done everyone!
Tablet Wizards! 18/01/2017
Today we had a brilliant afternoon and used the tablets for the first time. We all had a go at using a tablet and used the programme '2 paint a picture'. This involved us choosing what colour we wanted to use and the size of our paintbrush. Our activity was to draw or write something on the tablets and we had some very creative designs! Great work everyone, tablet experts in the making!
Snow Fun! 13/01/2017
Today we had great fun playing in the snow! For some of us it was our first experience of snow and we enjoyed playing lots of games with our friends.
A visit from the Dentist- 11/01/2017
We were very lucky to have a visit from a dentist today to talk about our teeth. The dentist had a bag full of props which we were excited to find out about. The dentist asked us what we used our teeth for, eating, talking and smiling . The dentist reminded us that we should be cleaning our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and that we could sing songs or use timers and phone apps to help us. We were very interested to find out that we have 20 milk teeth but when we are grown ups we will have 32! She showed us some models of milk and adult teeth. We played a fun game trying to guess which teeth belonged to which animal. We saw what a sharks and elephants tooth looked like. The dentist had the BFGs teeth with her and she showed us how to brush our teeth properly. We talked about what type of food and drink where good/bad for our teeth and what happens if we don't look after them. She asked us if we had all visited the dentist and told us what to expect during our visit. At the end of the session we were given a shiny tooth sticker and a brushing plan which we could take home to decorate and use. Thank you we enjoyed learning about our teeth and look forward to seeing you again to learn more about how we can continue to look after our teeth as we get older 👍
Passports to Africa! 09/01/2017
Our new topic this term is Africa! We started off by making our own passports and enjoyed pretending to go through passport control! :)
Our Nativity Stars!
Reception United! 09/12/2016
We have really enjoyed using our new football goals this week. We all took it in turns to be in goal, on the pitch and as the Referee! :)
Christmas lunch
Super Mathematicians! 1/12/2016
In Maths we have been learning to order numbers from 1-20. Today the children worked together as a team and successfully ordered the numbers correctly, helping each other along the way. Great team work everyone, well done!
Goldilocks and The Three Bears- Story Sequencing 24/11/2016
We read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with the children today. We then asked the children to use the pictures as clues and to retell and sequence the story themselves with their group. The children enjoyed the challenge of becoming authors and talking about the story and there was lots of discussion as to which parts came next. They worked well as group and with a little support took turns and listened to one another. Well done everyone some great story telling!
Shaving Foam Fun! 3/11/2016
Today we enjoyed exploring the shaving foam! We used our senses to describe what it felt and smelt like. We also enjoyed writing our name and practising forming our letters and numbers. Well done everyone!
Outdoor counting fun! 31/10/2016
Today some of the children have been practising their counting skills, outside in the garden. They were busy counting milk top lids into a bucket, counting triangles and using the bead frame. Super counting everyone!
Shape Fun! 20/10/2016
We have been learning about 2D shapes. The children enjoyed looking for different shapes and jumping on them when they had found them!
Phonics experts! 20/10/2016
In our phonics sessions we have been learning a new sound everyday. This group of girls love practising the letter that we have learnt that day, on the outdoor whiteboard. Today we learnt the letter 'u' and here are their fantastic letters! Well done girls!
Outdoor learning in Reception- 13/10/2016
We love to learn in the outdoor environment. Above are some photo's of all the fantastic activities that we do. We enjoy exploring, playing and getting messy! Great fun! :)
This week we have started to learn our sounds in phonics. We have learnt the sounds: s, a, t and p. Throughout the week we have been doing lots of different activities associated with these letters.
Today we welcomed the children in on their first day at school. We had great fun exploring and playing in both the indoor and outdoor environment. A great day was had by all!
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