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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 - Mrs Hutchinson

Otter Class


I would like to welcome you to an exciting, hard-working, fun and interesting year ahead. You will be learning in a safe, happy and positive learning environment. We will work hard, but we will play hard too. 



Latitude 2018

140618 Homework


Following the School's Summer Term protocol, homework will now only consist of reading three times a week, learning the weekly spellings and times tables.  The format for the remainder of the Summer Term will be:


Week commencing 18th June - Week 9 words and 7 times table


Week commencing 25th June - Week 10 words and 8 times table


Week commencing 2nd July - Week 11 words and 8 times table


Week commencing 9th July - Week 12 words and 9 times table


Week commencing 13th July - Week 13 words and 9 times table


Week commencing 23rd July - None - Happy Holidays :) 

18/5/18 HOMEWORK


Spellings - Week 6 


Times table - 6 times table


Online Maths Games - Time

11/5/18 Homework


Week 5 Spellings - Homophones


Four times table - please learn the four times table by rote every day on your way to school and use Times Tables Rock Stars to have fun and increase your efficiency.  Out of 30 pupils, 27 are using the site on a regular basis.  WELL DONE :)


Grammar Task: Apostrophes for singular and plural possession

NP: There is nothing to hand in, and in the future, more homework tasks will be set in this way


Please copy and paste the following link into the internet address bar:


You will be asked for a username and login


To access Discovery Education Espresso from home

  • Go to our website:
  • Click on “login” and select “Espresso”
  • Enter your username: student12035
  • Enter your password: east35


Watch the video, complete 'Quiz', 'Quiz Plus' and 'Activity'



Spellings: Week 4 words - Apostrophes for possession, including singular and plural


Times table: 4 x table (Please learn by rote on the way to school and use 'Times Tables Rock Stars')

4/5/18 Homework

Homework: 270418


Spellings: Week 3 words - Words from the statutory list


Times table: Three times table (test on Friday and please use Times Table Rock Stars at home)


Please complete at least one of the challenges below.  You can check your own work at the end too :)

22/3/18 Tennis Taster Session

22/3/18 Computing with BBC Micro Bits on World Book Day!

20/2/18 Year 4 met 'Farmer George' as part of the 'Tractors to Schools' project

20/2/18 Year 4 visited the Abbey Gardens and Cathedral in Bury St. Edmunds as the closing mantle for the St. Edmund theme

16/1/18 Bassistry Arts taught us some groovy new moves and rhythms :)

16/1/18 Year 4 have been wrestling with imagery in poetry

Spring newsletter 2018

30/11/17 Discover Advent at the Church

Children in Need 2017

5/11/17 Reading activities and question stems for developing reading at home

5/11/17 Espresso home login instructions

30/10/17 Half term homework created for fun

14/10/17 A fragment of the performance we enjoyed on Thursday

Still image for this video

14/10/17 On Thursday afternoon, we enjoyed the performance of the Band of the Parachute Regiment at Ipswich School

8/10/17 Colchester Football Club developing skills across the PE curriculum

Year 4 Getting ready to go to Kentwell Hall

14/9/17 Find out what is expected in English during Year 4

Tudor costume ideas for Kentwell

31/8/17 Non-fiction reading assessment
