Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Welcome to Reception - Ladybird Class
Miss Scott
Welcome to our class page! In Reception, we love investigating, learning and exploring new things using both our indoor and outdoor environment. We always try to accept a challenge with a positive and resilient mind-set and have lots of fun. We complete work that we are proud of and would love to share it with you. If you would like to keep up to date with our current learning, please check our class page.
This morning, we have had Little City come to visit us in school. They provide a brilliant range of roleplay stations and the children thoroughly enjoyed their session with them. Our class transformed into vets, firemen, doctors and Christmas elves. Here are just a few pictures from our very busy morning.
Today we have been helping Miss Scott sort some her washing which had become muddled up. Whilst we were hanging it up we noticed that the T-shirts had numbers on the and so began to sequence them. Look at our super learning :D
In Science we have been learning about materials. Today we have been investigating what materials are translucent, transparent or opaque. We loved exploring different materials and sharing what we had found with our friends.
Today, we have been looking at shapes within shapes. The children were left to investigate which 3d shapes matched the 2d outlines. Lots of children rose to the challenge and even identified that some 3d shapes could make a match to more than one outline depending on the face they used. Great work everyone!
This week, as part of our maths learning, we have been continuing and creating our own repeating patterns. The children enjoyed discussing what they could see and then making their own in lots of different ways both inside and outside of the classroom. Take a look at some of our wonderful work!
This afternoon, we have enjoyed looking at nature. First, we looked at some plants that we had outside in our garden, before going to the school planting garden. The children loved looking at the different plants and a particular favourite were the sunflowers. Next, we headed over to the school community garden, the BFG. The children explored the area looking for different signs of nature, which they quickly noticed were all around us. We had a wonderful time and found lots to talk about.
Today, we have had a great time completing some collaborative artwork with our buddies. The children loved spending time together chatting and laughing whilst they worked. The room was full of smiles and it was wonderful to see how well the children worked together.
We have had a very busy first week of school. We have spent time exploring our new classroom and making new friends. Take a look at some of the fun we have had.