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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 - Mrs Hutchinson

21/6/17 Whole Class Ensemble Teaching Performance Day

160617 Under Eleven Football Tournament

Still image for this video

25/5/17 Colchester Rugby Football Club Tag Rugby Tournament

Still image for this video

Summer term 2017 newsletter

Bikeability fun!

World Book Day

21/2/17 We enjoyed watching a play called 'Alfie Strange' performed by visiting actors from the Wolsey Theatre

20/2/17 Girls' Imagery Poems

20/2/17 Boys' Imagery Poems

17/1/16 We used Scratch to create the code for a maze game using a series of algorithms to control the sprite

Y5 Spring newsletter

19/12/16 In Design and Technology we designed and made bedside lamps using a simple circuit and paper clip switch

24/11/16 Year 5 Tag Rugby Competition

06/12/16 Exciting opportunity for free music tuition for year 5 - letter also emailed out.

14/11/16 Year 5 and 6 were invited to attend 'Sing Up Suffolk' led by Dominic Peckham (musical maestro extraordinaire)

'Egyptian Day'


'Egyptian Day' was great fun and lots of the pupils and staff dressed up in Egyptian themed costumes to enjoy the activities.  During the morning, the children chose from a range of art and craft projects that involved clay, bread-making, painting, making perfumed wax and carving bars of soap.


In the afternoon, the pupils were split into groups of actors and dancers.  In the space of thirty-five minutes they learned and rehearsed a dance or skit to perform for the 'Pharoah and his Wife' (Ben and Victoria from Year 6).  The ceremony commenced in a serious fashion and the children rose to the sense of occasion created by the Royal Visier.  They enjoyed a feast of bread, cheese, 'wine' and fruit served by the slaves from Year 6.  Stomachs full and thirst sated, the children danced and acted to the Pharoah's obvious pleasure.  Each group left the performance area with a long, loud round of applause ringing in their ears.


It was a truly wonderful day, and I hope the children share some of their favourite moments with you.   

10/10/16 In Science the children drew the major organs in the human body to scale - there were some interesting results

4/10/16 Rehearsals for 'I-Sing Pop' started today!

28/9/16 Art work inspired by Georgia O' Keeffe

28/9/16 Tag Rugby training with Mr Marshall

21/9/16 We have been learning about negative numbers this week; we started in the sandpit!

21/9/16 Introducing Mr Sewell County Music Service Teacher (percussion)

21/9/16 Introducing Mr Marshall specialist PE Teacher

14/9/16 How to support your child's reading development now he/she is older

I have added three PDF documents of the reading assessment the children did last week.  I thought it would be helpful to illustrate the style and nature of the questions the children are expected to be able to answer in Year 5.  


Please consider this style of questioning when you hear your child read.  Notice how some questions are word based, some are sentence based, some are factual, some are figurative and some are interpretative.  The interpretative questions are often worth more than one mark and therefore require more than one idea.  

Autumn term newsletter

8/9/16 Explaining and reasoning in maths this week
