Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 6 Residential 10th March 2025
- Year 6 Residential 11th March 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Today you need to complete the following:
Create an informative poster, Powerpoint or booklet about one or more of the animals that lives in the North American conifer forest.
You need to include information about:
Habitat – Describe the North American conifer forest habitat
Life cycle – Draw the stages of the animal’s life cycle
Food – What it eats and its place in the food chain
Survival - hibernation, camouflage, spines etc
Behaviours - Communication, groups, herds, alone
These links might help, but please research more widely:
Animal Behaviours:
- Winter shutdown:
- Hibernation:
- Playing possum: