Calendar Dates
Today you need to complete the following:
- Maths Minutes (Flashback Week 10 Day 5)
- Maths Lesson : White Rose 'Friday Maths Challenge'
- Break
- Spelling: Test day
- English: The Button
- Lunch
- Read for 30 minutes
- Design and Technology
- Times Tables Rock Stars (Garage and Sound Check)
- 60 minutes of physical exercise
Design and Technology
This week, complete pages 8 and 9 of the booklet. You do not need to print it, you can copy the layout of pages 5,6 and 7 into your book and fill them in. :)
Design and build a product of your choice over the next 7 weeks eg.,
A meal/cake/smoothie
A marble run
A purse
A model sail boat
A hat
A puppet
A dice game
A paper aeroplane
A jigsaw
A pop-up card