Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Welcome to Year One - Badger class
Miss Scott
In Year One we love investigating and learning new things! We really enjoy taking our learning both inside and outside of the classroom and are always willing to accept a challenge with a positive mind-set. Take a look at some of our fantastic learning.
Today we have enjoyed a trip to see the farmyard animals at Jimmy's Farm. During the morning we had a fantastic time exploring pygmy goats, sheep, meerkats, guinea pigs and baby rabbits as well as a wide variety of pigs! Lots of us loved getting up close and personal with the different animals. we were able to stroke and feed lots of the farm animals whilst we discussed the unique adaptations the animals had to suit how they like to live. After we had a quick break and some lunch we were back out to explore the butterfly house. We spoke about the life cycle of a butterfly and looked for the various stages once inside. The children were fascinated by all the different types of butterfly they could spot all at different stages of their life. We then spent some time in the woodland area creating our own dens to fit a purpose (which ranged from houses to music lounges!).
Today in forest school we have been creating our own camps. We first had to go on a scavenger hunt to see if we could find the pegs and cover before finding an area we thought would be a good spot to set up our camps. Here are some of the finished results!
Today we were lucky enough to have the year 6’s come to teach us a little bit about road safety. We listened carefully to some ‘top tips’ on how we can make sure we are crossing the road safely before going out in small groups to give our learning a try. We also completed some fun road safety activity sheets about how we could make sure we would be seen at night time. We had a fantastic time and learnt a lot.
In Science we have been learning about Electricity. We have really enjoyed exploring electricity and creating our own circuits.