Calendar Dates
- To understand how computers and computer systems (such as the internet) work, are designed and programmed
- To ensures pupils know what to do if they have concerns about anything they encounter online
- To know how to be safe, responsible and respectful when using the internet
- To provide opportunities for learners to apply their evolving computing knowledge imaginatively, and be fluent and creative in their mastery of computing
- To provide all pupils with a solid grounding for future learning
- To become active digital citizens in the modern world
East Bergholt Primary School uses the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme. This was chosen as the materials are suitable for all pupils irrespective of their skills, background or additional needs. The scheme uses a variety of engaging APPs and programmes which link in with other areas of the curriculum enabling children to make connections with their learning. It was also chosen for our pupils as the themes are based on a spiral curriculum - the themes are revisited regularly through each new unit, so that the children can consolidate and build on their prior learning. This means that children are less likely to forget knowledge and ensures that they are making connections with their learning. The Teach Computing activities are also scaffolded so that all pupils can succeed and thrive in Computing.
Every year group learns through units within the same four themes. This means that the children are able to progress their skills and concepts from one-year group to the next:
- Computing systems and networks
- Programming
- Data and Information
- Creating Media
Internet Safety is embedded throughout the Computing curriculum, which links in with our school values of responsibility, respect and kindness. Internet Safety Day takes place each year where children take place in a range of activities to enhance this safety message.
Pupils gain the key knowledge and skills in the three main strands of the National Curriculum for Computing (2014). Their computing education, enables them to become creators and change-makers in our digital world. All pupils make good progress and are ready for the next stage of their computing education at secondary school.