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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Vision and Ethos

Vision, Values and Ethos


School Vision

East Bergholt Primary School will provide an environment where children are nurtured and encouraged to be the best that they can be.


Christian Vision


Christian Values

Our school's core Christian values are inspired by our Christian vision and the teachings of John. As a church school, we embrace and explore these values through discussion, prayer, and Collective Acts of Worship, which are taught each half-term. These values are integrated into our curriculum and are reflected in our daily conversations with both children and adults. Our children demonstrate these values in their everyday lives, both inside and outside of school. We value all children, regardless of their faith, and encourage them to be valuable members of modern society.


School Ethos

Our school is a place…

  • Which provides a broad and cohesive education in a Christian setting developing knowledge and skills for pupil to take to the next phase of education and life
  • Which has a dedicated and hard-working staff, working in partnership with parents to provide an environment where children of all abilities grow and have a thirst for their learning
  • Where children enjoy a rich and exciting curriculum with a wide range of additional artistic, musical and sporting activities for all ages resulting in the accumulation of cultural capital and knowledge
  • Where all feel valued and where all are learning to care for one another
  • Where children are enthusiastic about continuing to learn and take responsibility for themselves and their own learning
  • Where children accept their share in the responsibility of all for the world and society
  • Where children embrace Christian values which will enable them to live with respect, generosity, integrity and care
  • Where children are able to embrace change whilst holding to their core values


