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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Year 4

Book list for summer reading for Year 4

Trip to Colchester Zoo.

Year 3 and 4 had a great day out at the zoo as away of extending our understanding of rainforests and the wildlife that dwells within them. Despite a torrential downpour, with thunder and lightning, the children had a great time and looked at some of the animals with a whole new degree of interest and understanding. It really was a grand day out!

Year 4 Trip to School Farm and Country Fair.

Year 4 had a great day at Trinity Park, learning more about local farming and rural industries. We patted every  conceivable type of farm animal and watched a range of rural crafts. Any day that combines helicopters, ducklings, mushy peas and cricket bats has got to be a winner! The children were very well behaved and all clearly loved their day out. A great time was had by all.

The Labyrinth.

In the final week before the half term break, Years 3 and 4 took part in a workshop designed to promote their understanding of the meaning and symbolism involved in a series of Bible stories. It was a really good way for the children to consider some familiar stories in a new light, and develop their understanding of some wider Christian themes and concepts.


F.A. Skills Coaching.

In recent weeks, Year 4 have been lucky enough to receive some high quality coaching from Rosie, who is a Football Association qualified coach. The children have worked really hard to hone their footballing skills, and have loved every minute of the sessions.
