Calendar Dates
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
PSHE Curriculum
From September 2020, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) became a statutory subject in the National Curriculum. At East Bergholt, although it is identified as a 'non-statutory' subject, it has always been taught and is a highly valued subject within our curriculum.
PSHE and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) enable our children to become healthy, resilient, independent and responsible members of society. We feel it is an important part of children’s education to help them to better understand how they are developing personally (both physically and mentally) and socially, and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with learning opportunities that are crucial to their needs and for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of the diverse society in which we live. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
To ensure we are meeting the new teaching requirements of this subject, whilst following the Government guidance we have re-written our whole PSHE curriculum, which is split into four main themes:
- Myself and My Relationships
- Citizenship
- Economic Wellbeing
- Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Within these themes are different units of work which will be taught on a two year rolling programme. We have added the curriculum frameworks at the bottom of this page, showing what the children learn at each stage of their primary education and how this links to the wider curriculum for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.
Relationships and Sex Education
In school we aim to help children to learn to respect themselves and others and move safely from childhood, through adolescence, into adulthood. As part of this work, we deliver an ongoing programme of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). We believe that by working in partnership with parents we can encourage children and young people to make healthy choices as they grow and change.
RSE has an important part to play in learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up. It enables young people to develop the essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. It also supports learning about identity and the importance of staying safe, both physically and emotionally, including on and off line.
Our programme of learning begins as soon as children arrive in school and continues until the end of primary school. There is more information on our programme inside the leaflets at the bottom of the page.