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- Coronation at Church 5th May 2023
- Easter Gardens - Year R 5th April 2023
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Year 2 - Hedgehog Class
Mrs Bowman and Miss Waterhouse
Welcome to year two's class page. Here you will be able to find out about what is happening in the year 2 classroom and the learning experiences we are having. In class two we aim to be positive, confident and resilient learners. This term we will be learning through our topic of 'Our Changing World'.
Remember to check our page to see what we have been up to!
Well done to some of our year 2 boys, who as a team came 1st in the Year 1 and 2, Ipswich and South Suffolk virtual football games. All the children completed the football tasks in school and Mrs Cumner submitted the results. The girls team also did very well. Each of the winners received a goody bag and we have a trophy to put on display in school.
What a great achievement to represent our school. Well done boys!! ⚽