Calendar Dates
Year 6
Class 6 - Foxes Class
Mrs Baker and Mr Jackson
Welcome to year 6's class webpage. Here you will find information, pictures and examples of what we have been learning in class. You will also find our class newsletters as well.
In year 6 we work hard and we play hard. There were many opportunities for the children to be learning in and outside of the classroom. Keep checking back for regular updates.
Bowling at the end of SATS
Swimming - Friday 22nd June
Children will need shorts and t-shirt as well as their swimming costume for this session please.
Homework Friday 11th May
Homework - Friday 4th May
No specific spellings this week. Just go over the Year 5 / 6 words and choose the ones you find most difficult to practice. Please see the list below.
Spelling List
Maths Homework
Please copy and the complete the attached table in to your homework books.
Maths Homework PDF
English Homework
For your English homework I would like you to make yourself a quick reference revision sheet to help remind you of a few grammar terms you will need to know for your test.
1) determiner
2) main clause
3) subordinate clause
4) modal verbs
5) noun phrase
6) preposition
7) active
8) passive
9) subjunctive
10) prefix / suffix
Summer newsletter
Homework - Friday 27th April 2018
These will be tested next Friday
pronunciation |
queue |
recognise |
recommend |
relevant |
restaurant |
rhyme |
rhythm |
sacrifice |
secretary |
shoulder |
signature |
Maths Homework
Thorpe Woodlands fun!
SATs information video

SATs information evening
Spring newsletter 2018
Learning Reviews - 12.01.18
We have been busy preparing our Learning Reviews in class.
We are all really looking forward to sharing our learning with you.
Mrs Baker
Discover Advent
Children in Need 2017
27.09.17 A beautiful evacuee poem written at home inspired by one of our topic sessions.
19.09.17 In science we have been looking at light and how we see. We made models to show this.