Welcome to year one's class page. In year one we love investigating, learning and exploring new things both inside and outside of the classroom. We always try to accept a challenge with a positive and resilient mind-set and are proud of the work we complete. If you would like to keep up to date with our current learning please check our class page.
Today in Maths we have been identifying the tens and ones in a two digit number. We really enjoyed representing the tens and ones in lots of different ways.
Road crossing (17.12.2019)
Today the Junior Road Safety Officers taught the children how to safely cross a road. They reminded them of the dangers when crossing a road including the importance of stopping, looking and listening especially with the rise in electric cars.
Christmas dinner (10.12.2019)
Sculptures (25.11.2019)
Today we have been continuing to study different artists who make sculptures using different materials. We learnt about Eva Rothschild, an Irish artist who likes to build structures using shapes. We were inspired by some of her fascinating work and created some of our own pieces in the same style.
Forest School (14.11.2019)
Today we have been to our first and very wet forest school session. We had a great time working on our team building skills and communication before having some time to explore. Despite the rain we had a fantastic time and even saw a 6 hour old calf!
BFG fun! (07.11.2019)
Today we spent some time in the BFG creating giant art. We used things we could find in the environment to create our own scene. Take a look at some of our fantastic work.
Bread Sculptures (04.11.2019)
Today we have been learning about Marc Quinn, an artist who makes sculptures using bread. We were inspired by his work and had a go at making our own hand sculptures. It was very tricky but we persevered.
Guy Fawkes (29.10.2019)
Today we have been investigating Guy Fawkes. We acted as detectives and looked at clues to try and find out what happened.
Identifying 2D shapes (07.10.2019)
This week in Maths we are learning about shapes. Today we have been identifying 2D shapes that could be found in everyday items around the school and describing them.
Finding and naming materials (11.09.2019)
Today in Science we have been on a hunt around the school looking for different materials and what they have been used to make. We spoke about why those materials might have been used and discussed what it would be like if they had used different materials to make them. Everyone really enjoyed the hunt around the school and had lots of great ideas!
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