Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Hello Year 6, welcome to the second half of the summer term!
I hope you have all enjoyed a happy, safe half term and that you all managed to enjoy the wonderful weather that we have had.
This half term will be a little bit different for all of you, but I know that you will be able to continue working from home if you are not coming back to school or you will work hard in a safe school environment if you are coming back to school on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
If you are coming in to school on either Tuesday or Wednesday, please do not complete any work that has been set for that day at home. I will be using the lesson plans for your home learning in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I have uploaded the lesson plan for the week below. Work hard, try your best and we look forward to seeing all of your amazing work.
Guided Reading
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I have planned some Guided Reading for you. I will upload 3 pieces of Guided Reading for you below and on each day, you will need to read the short text, answer the questions and then mark your answers. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of each piece of Guided Reading to find the answers. Remember to answer each question in a full, well punctuated sentence.
Maths this week
Your maths this week is focused on percentages and also looks at percentages of amounts and then equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals.
On the lesson plan you will find the link to the video; watch the video really carefully and take notes and pause it as many times as you need to. Then, you will need to find the activity below and complete it. I have also put the answers to each activity below, so mark your own work and then see how you got on.
I have not uploaded any maths for Friday yet, but I will do so on Thursday and this will be the Friday challenge.
Fluent in 5
Here's your Fluent in 5 questions to keep those calculation skills really sharp!
Quiet Reading
You will see that I have planned a Quiet Reading session every day this week. Try and read 'at least' 15 minutes each day. I know many of you love reading, so please continue to read as much and as often as you like!
On Monday 1st June, I have asked you to practise some of the French we have been studying in Year 6. Practise your numbers and colours (I have written them down on the lesson plan).
Have a conversation in French with someone at home - Why not record it and send it in and show us your best French accent!
This week our Sustainability Topic looks at 'Manifestos'. A Manifesto is a pledge/promise that someone makes in order to change something. So, I would like you to write 2 manifestos. (You will find a Manifesto sheet below). Write your first Manifesto as yourself; what changes can you make that could make small changes to the World? Write your 2nd Manifesto and imagine you were in charge of the World for a day; what changes would you make?
Your Science this week is all about 'Which organisms lived during each era of time'. Follow the Oak National Academy Website link on the lesson plan.
Your Music lesson this week is 'To identify Pulse and Rhythm'. Follow the Oak national Academy Website link on the lesson plan.
On Friday, your English work is to have a go at some of the mini assessments for SPaG. Have a go at each assessment and then mark your own work and see how you got on.
Spelling Test
Practise this week's spellings and I will record a video for you to have a look at on Friday morning where I will dictate your spellings for you.
Chapter 8 - Floodland
Here's Chapter 8 of Floodland for you to read.
Chapter 9 - Floodland
Here's Chapter 9 for you to read.
Floodland - Chapter 9
I missed a page and uploaded 2 of the same yesterday. Here's the missed page.
Friday Maths Challenge
Here's the Friday Maths Challenge for you to have a go at. Questions 1 - 6 are intended for KS2, but questions 7-10 are actually intended for children aged 15, so if you can solve any of those...You're a real star!!!
I have also uploaded the answer sheet for you to check once you've done as many problems as you can.