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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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End of Key Stage 2

Exam and assessment results 2024 (26 Pupils)


Working at the national standard or better

East Bergholt Primary School         
Schools in Suffolk                               72%
Schools nationally                              74%


Writing (teacher assessment)
East Bergholt Primary School          
Schools in Suffolk                               68%
Schools nationally                              72%


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
East Bergholt Primary School          85%
Schools in Suffolk                               67%
Schools nationally                              72%


East Bergholt Primary School         77%
Schools in Suffolk                               69%
Schools nationally                              73%


Working at greater depth (Based on a standardised score of 110 or above TBC by DfE)

East Bergholt Primary School          
Schools in Suffolk                               26%
Schools nationally                              TBC


Writing (teacher assessment)
East Bergholt Primary School          
Schools in Suffolk                               TBC
Schools nationally                              TBC


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
East Bergholt Primary School          31%
Schools in Suffolk                               24%
Schools nationally                              TBC


East Bergholt Primary School          35%
Schools in Suffolk                               20%
Schools nationally                              TBC


The percentage of children achieving the national standard for Reading, Writing and Maths

East Bergholt Primary School          69%
Schools in Suffolk                               67%
Schools nationally                              61%


The percentage of children achieving Greater Depth for Reading, Writing and Maths

East Bergholt Primary School          8%
Schools in Suffolk                               6%
Schools nationally                              TBC


Average Scaled Scores 2024

East Bergholt Primary School - Reading:   108
Schools in Suffolk - Reading:                         104
Schools nationally - Reading:                        105


East Bergholt Primary School - Maths:      105
Schools in Suffolk - Maths:                            103
Schools nationally - Maths:                           104


East Bergholt Primary School - GPS:          106
Schools in Suffolk - GPS:                                TBC
Schools nationally - GPS:                               105


Previous Year's Results
