Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates
- Year 4 Parent Assembly 29th January 2025 at 09:00
- Half Term 17th February 2025
East Bergholt CEVC Primary School
'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10
Spellings - to be tested Friday 19th July
These will be the last spelling lists for year 5.
List A | List B | List C |
Doubt Lamb Debt Thumb Solemn Autumn Column Knight Knuckle Knot |
Earth Eight Eighth Enough Exercise Experience Experiment Extreme Famous Favourite |
Birds Jump Along Their Gave |
List A |
List B | List C |
Yesterday Tomorrow Later Immediately Earlier Eventually Recently Previously Finally Lately |
Circle Complete Consider Continue Decide Describe Different Difficult Disappear Early |
Half Right Would Should Could |
Spellings - to be tested Friday 5th July
List A | List B | List C |
Apply Supply Identify Occupy Multiply Rhyme Cycle Python Hygiene Hyphen |
Breath Breathe Build Busy Business Calendar Caught Centre Century Certain |
First Gave With Along Girl |
Spellings - to be tested on Friday 28th June
List A | List B | List C |
Forty Scorch Absorb Decorate Afford Enormous Category Tornado According Opportunity |
Accident Accidentally Actual Actually Address Although Answer Appear Arrive Believe |
Want Which Half Too Before |
Spellings - 14. 06. 2019
List A | List B | List C |
Principal Principle Profit Prophet Descent Dissent Desert Dessert Draft Draught |
Therefore Though Although Thought Through Various Weight Woman Women Suppose |
Could Would Should Girl Too |
Homework - 07. 06. 2019
Homework will be arranged differently this half term (the same as last year). Details on this will be explained in Friday news. Reading records will still be collected weekly, as will spelling tests.
List A | List B | List C |
Symbol Mystery Lyrics Oxygen Symptom Physical System Typical Crystal Rhythm |
Reign Remember Sentence Separate Special Straight Strange Strength Suppose Surprise |
Night Bright Light Half Only |
Homework - 17. 05. 2019
This week, the homework task is slightly different. As you are aware, we are taking part in the 'Spotlight' project with St. Joseph's. Next week we will be attending a dance, drama and performing arts workshop at St. Joseph's. Following on from this, we will create our own original dance and musical piece linked to the musical 'Hairspray' during school hours over the next few weeks. Together with other primary schools, we will be performing these at the Avenue Theatre on Wednesday 26th June. There will be more details about this event on a letter on due course.
As a class, we will be creating a dance for 'The Nicest Kids in Town' and we will be signing 'You Can't Stop the Beat'. It will be unlikely that all children will need to learn all the lyrics. However, I would like them all to practise with the words (a printed copy has been sent home) so they are used to the melody.
Nothing has to be handed into the homework tray. It will be apparent who has listened to the song/had a look at the lyrics when we begin practising next week.
List A | List B | List C |
Plough Bough Drought Brought Bought Wrought Thought Ought Borough Thorough |
Possible Potatoes Pressure Probably Promise Purpose Quarter Question Recent Regular |
Before Want Which What Their |
Homework - 10. 05. 2019
This week, we have been revising common homophones. I would like your child to complete the two sheets on homophones below. The third sheet does not need to be completed as it is a help sheet. There are paper copies in the classroom.
List A | List B | List C |
Pollinate Captivate Activate Motivate Communicate Medicate Accommodate Hyphenate Alienate Validate
Often Opposite Ordinary Particular Peculiar Perhaps Popular Position Possess Possession
Before Want Which What Their |
Homework - 03. 05. 2019
This week, we have been learning about fraction, percentages and decimal equivalents. For this week's homework, please complete the worksheet below. Paper copies are available in the classroom.
List A | List B | List C |
Attractive Creative Addictive Assertive Abusive Cooperative Exhaustive Appreciative Offensive Expressive |
Library Material Medicine Mention Minute Natural Naughty Notice Occasion Occasionally |
Could Would Should Only Their |
Homework - 26. 04. 2019
This week, we have begun a new unit of learning in English based around the book 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson. I would like your child to research the differences and similarities between the Amazon Rainforest and a forest in the U.K (this could be Thetford, or another local forest/woodland your child is familiar with).
You can display your research in any way you wish. Please put your completed homework in the red tray in the classroom by next Friday.
List A | List B | List C |
Past Passed Proceed Precede Aisle Isle Aloud Allowed Affect Effect Are Our |
Height History Imagine Increase Important Interest Island Knowledge Learn Length |
Could Would Should Only Their |
Homework - 29. 03. 19
This week, the homework is maths based. Below is a PDF with three different challenges, all linked to finding fractions of amounts. Please pick the most appropriate challenge and complete in your homework book.
List A | List B | List C |
Sincere Interfere Sphere Adhere Severe Persevere Atmosphere Mere Hemisphere Austere |
Favourite February Forward Fruit Grammar Group Guard Guide Heard Heart |
Right Night Could Half Before |
Homework - 21. 03. 2019
This week, the homework is English based. Please download and print the spelling, punctuation and grammar assessment below. For your child to get the most from it, I would suggest letting them complete it independently first, then go back together and support them on any questions they are unsure on (please talk them through the answers and explain, rather than copying from the answer sheet).
This is a gentle way of getting them used to questions phrased in this way and revisiting the grammar terms we have learnt so far this year.
List A | List B | List C |
Certainly Definitely Possibly Perhaps Probably Frequently Often Occasionally Rarely Always |
Early Earth Eight Eighth Enough Exercise Experience Experiment Extreme Famous
Homework - 15. 03. 2019
Despite all the excitement of this week, we have been soldiering on with our learning. In maths, we are still learning about fractions. I would like your child to complete one of the worksheets below, focusing on converting mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa. Please note that if your child completes challenge 1, they only need to do the second sheet.
List A | List B | List C |
Equipment Environment Government Parliament Enjoyment Document Management Movement Replacement Statement |
Certain Circle Complete Consider Continue Decide Describe Different Difficult Disappear |
Half First Too Before Right |
Homework - 08. 03. 2019
This week, the homework is English based, and is linked with our current text type newspaper reports. I would like your child to choose a news article (either online or from a newspaper), identify ten new words in it and record these in their homework books. Please then pick five of these words, define them, and use each word correctly in a sentence of their own.
List A | List B | List C |
Vicious Gracious Spacious Malicious Precious Conscious Delicious Suspicious Atrocious Ferocious |
Bicycle Breath Breathe Build Busy Business Calendar Caught Centre Century |
Half First Too Before Right |
Homework - 01. 03. 2019
This week, the homework is maths based, and focuses on subtracting fractions. It is one I think the children will find tricky, so please support them with it. Click the link below for a differentiated worksheet with a range of challenges. Please pick the most appropriate one for your child, and complete either on the sheet or in their homework book.
List A | List B | List C |
Ambitious Cautious Fictitious Infectious Nutritious Contentious Superstitious Pretentious Anxious Obnoxious |
Accident Accidentally Actual Actually Address Although Answer Appear Arrive Believe |
Half First Too Before Right |
Below are the spellings the children will be tested on next Friday morning (01. 03. 19). There is no homework due in this week.
List A | List B | List C |
Blacken Brighten Thicken Lengthen Mistaken Flatten Straighten Shorten Tighten Toughen |
Which White Who Why Wind Window Wish Work Would Yes |
Fast Gave Girl Down Before |
Homework - 08. 02. 2019
This week, the homework is English based. In class, the children have been writing a non-chronological report about the fictional planet Pandora (see link below with a video describing this planet). Each child has designed their own alien insect, and has included a paragraph describing this in their writing.
As they have enjoyed this unit so much in class, their homework is linked to this current topic. Your child can choose one of the below activities for their homework this week.
List A | List B | List C |
Amplify Solidify Signify Falsify Glorify Notify Testify Purify Intensify Classify |
Under Us Use Want Wanted Water Way Well We're Where
Along Girl Ball With First |
Homework - 01. 02. 2019
This week, the homework is maths based. Please click the link below to open up an interactive game titled 'Multiplication Station'. The aim of the game is to keep multiplying two numbers together to make the total displayed at the bottom of the screen. However, you can only use numbers in the grid. The 'total' number keeps changing, and you have to clear as many numbers from the grid as possible. I have played this game as a starter in the classroom, so they should know how to play it (it's much easier to just give it a go and play around with it).
Please play this game on five different occasions throughout the week (playing as many games as you wish each time).
List A | List B | List C |
Criticise Advertise Capitalise Finalise Equalise Fertilise Terrorise Socialise Visualise Vandalise |
Thought Three Through Told Took Top Town Tree Trees Two |
Half Along With Birds Down |
Homework - 25. 01. 2019
This week, the homework is English based. Please download the worksheets below and complete all three. They require the children to identify whether each word on the balloons is being used as a verb or a noun. This sounds simple, but in class I have noticed that many have forgotten the difference between verbs and nouns! So this extra practise at home will really help to jog their memories. I have paper copies in class if needed.
List A | List B | List C |
Happiness Hardness Madness Nastiness Silliness Tidiness Childishness Willingness Carelessness Foolishness |
Stop Stopped Suddenly Sun Take Tea Tell Than These Thing |
Half Fast Along Her Ball |
Homework: 18. 01. 2019
This week, the homework is maths-based. We have spent all week learning how to use long multiplication, which can be tricky. The children who have a solid recall of their tables have had an advantage to mastering this method in class.
Please ask your child to select the most appropriate challenge and complete the calculations in their homework books.
Challenge 1 (1 digit x 3 digit) | Challenge 2 (2 digit x 2 digit) | Challenge 3 (2 digit x 3 digit) |
a. 4 x 123 = b. 7 x 202 = c. 618 x 5 = d. 149 x 6 = e. 8 x 755 = f. 314 x 6 = g. 523 x 3 =
a. 45 x 13 = b. 88 x 21 = c. 72 x 64 = d. 36 x 27 = e. 56 x 35 = f. 81 x 99 = g. 38 x 67 =
a. 673 x 45 = b. 122 x 89 = c. 706 x 67 = d. 235 x 72 = e. 348 x 36 = f. 498 x 17 = g, 817 x 56 =
I have also found some videos which show how to use this method for each of the challenges I have set.
List A | List B | List C |
Community Curiosity Ability Visibility Captivity Activity Eternity Flexibility Possibility Sensitivity |
Say School Sea Shouted Sleep Small Snow Something Soon Still |
Half Gave Before With Jump |
Homework: 11. 01. 2019
This week, the homework is both English and Topic based. Our new topic this half term is ‘Countries of the World’. I would like your child to pick a country that interests them and research it. Their research could include:
- The national flag.
- Any food or drink linked to their country.
- Physical geography, such as coastlines, rivers, mountain ranges etc.
- The continent the country it is in.
- Size of population.
- Human geography such as famous landmarks.
Alongside this, I would like your child to record and define the meaning of three unfamiliar words they come across during their research.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (18. 01. 2019). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C |
Alter Altar Ascent Assent Bridal Bridle Cereal Serial Compliment Complement |
Rabbit Ran Really Red Right River Room Round Run Sat |
Half Down Girl Gave Along |
Homework: 04. 01. 2019
Welcome back! I hope the Christmas holidays were kind to you. This week, the homework is maths based. I would like each child to draw the following in their homework books:
To make this task easier, draw rectangles and squares.
For an extra challenge, draw composite shapes and record the area and perimeter for all shapes.
Most of the children’s homework books already have cm squared paper in them, which simplifies the task. I have more of this same paper in the classroom for anyone who needs it.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (11. 01. 2019). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C |
Stationary Stationery Steal Steel Wary Weary Who's Whose Fate Fete |
Other Our Over Park Place Plants Play Please Pulled Queen |
With Her Pull Ball First |
Homework: 07. 12 .2018
Next week, the children will be assessed on the year 5/6 words from the national curriculum, therefore I will not be setting any spellings to learn this week. If you would like to practise spellings at home, use the national curriculum spelling lists in the reading records to identify any words your child struggles with, and practise these as normal.
This week, the homework is cross-curricular, including both English and PSHE. Please complete the worksheet after watching the video below. Encourage your child to write in full sentences explaining how the hedgehog feels at different parts of the story. Then reflect on a time when someone has shown kindness to you.
Homework: 30. 11. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (07. 12. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C | List D |
Vegetable Vehicle Yacht Possession Medicine Opposite Natural Peculiar Occasionally Accidentally |
Need Never New Next Night One Only Or Other Only |
Ordinary Particular Peculiar Perhaps Popular Position Possess Possession Possible Potatoes
Before Girl With Down Fast |
This week, I would like your child to play Times Tables Rockstars at least 5 times on the ‘Garage’ or ‘Arena’ mode. I have enabled a mode on every child’s account called ‘Automatic Training Mode’. This means that after an initial assessment, the programme will provide your child with times tables to practise meeting their individual weaknesses. Once they are secure on a set of tables, the programme will gradually introduce a new set, whilst still revisiting the previous ones. All very clever!
I have set this homework as many children have been hindered this week during our maths lessons, because they do not have a quick and accurate recall of their tables. This has slowed them down considerably when using short division to find all the factors of two-digit numbers. Using this programme little and often will give your child the best chance of succeeded throughout year 5 and year 6.
Homework: 23. 11. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (30. 11. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C | List D |
Soldier Stomach Sufficient Suggest Symbol System Temperature Thorough Twelfth Variety |
May Miss More Morning Most Mother Mouse Much Must Narrator |
Medicine Mention Minute Natural Naughty Notice Occasion Occasionally Often Opposite |
Here Down Fast Girl Before |
This week, I would like your child to complete the worksheet titled ‘Personification’ below. I have printed copies in the classroom if needed.
Homework: 16. 11. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (23. 11. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C | List D |
Relevant Restaurant Rhyme Rhythm Sacrifice Secretary Shoulder Signature Sincere Sincerely |
Let Liked Live Lived Long Looking Looks Lots Magic Man |
Imagine Increase Important Interest Island Knowledge Learn Length Library Material |
Here Down Girl Fast Before |
This week, I would like your child to complete factor bugs of various numbers (we have been doing these in class) in their homework books. Please ask your child to pick either challenge 1, 2 or 3 below and complete their factor bugs in their books.
Challenge 1: 6, 9, 12, 15
Challenge 2: 28, 36, 45, 64
Challenge 3: 150, 390, 480, 720
Homework: 09. 11. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (16. 11. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A | List B | List C | List D |
Persuade Physical Prejudice Privilege Profession Programme Pronunciation Queue Recognise Recommend |
How Inside Its Jumped Keep Key King Know Last Laughed |
Forward Fruit Grammar Group Guard Guide Heard Heart Height History |
With Birds Cold Gave Along |
This week, I would like your child to find and copy five examples of parenthesis from a text at home into their homework book. This could be from a newspaper, magazine, online article or their own reading book. After they have done this, they are to write five of their own sentences using parenthesis, using a range of commas, dashes and brackets.
Please click the link below for a definition of parenthesis including examples.
Homework: 02. 11. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (09. 11. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: | List B: | List C: | List D: |
Marvellous Mischievous Muscle Necessary Neighbour Nuisance Occupy Occur Opportunity Parliament |
Great Green Grow Hard Has Hat Head Home Horse Hot |
Earth Eight Eighth Enough Exercise Experience Extreme Famous Favourite February |
They Push Call Jump Half |
This week, I would like your child to collect data, create their own table to show their data, then write three questions about it (providing the answers also). Here are some ideas:
A Table to Show Favourite Colours of the Waterhouse Family
Subheadings: Yellow, Blue, Pink, Green, Purple, Other.
Question: How many people didn’t choose pink?
A Table to Show Different Insects in my Garden
Subheadings: Spiders, Beetles, Butterflies, Woodlice, Cockroach, Other.
Question: How many insects did I find altogether?
Please complete this in the homework book by next Friday. Thank you.
Homework: 12. 10. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Thursday (18. 10. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B: List C:
Hindrance Fun Circle
Identity Garden Complete
Immediate Gave Consider
Immediately Giant Continue
Individual Girl Decide
Interfere Going Describe
Interrupt Gone Different
Language Good Difficult
Leisure Gran Disappear
Lightning Grandad Early
This week, I would like your child to add a relative clause to 10 different simple sentences. Your child can pick what topic they write about.
Here is an example:
The boy was walking down the road (no relative clause).
The boy, who was eating an ice-cream, was walking down the road (relative clause in red).
Relative clauses can also be added at the end of sentences. Click the link below and scroll down for a helpful web page which explains relative clauses in more detail.
Homework: 04. 10. 2018
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (12. 10. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B: List C:
Excellent Couldn’t Bicycle
Existence Cried Breath
Explanation Dark Build
Familiar Did Busy
Foreign Didn’t Business
Forty Different Calendar
Frequently Dog Caught
Government Door Centre
Guarantee Dragon Century
Harass Duck Certain
This week, I would like your child to complete the sheet below. Please encourage your child to use either column addition or subtraction to fill the empty boxes. They can record their workings in their homework book.
Homework: 28. 09. 2018
Each week, your child will be given a spelling list to learn, along with an English or Maths task. It is the expectation that children continue to use Times Table Rockstars three times a week, as all children will be assessed on their recall of their tables every fortnight.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (05. 10. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B: List C:
Determined Boat Accident
Develop Book Accidentally
Dictionary Box Actual
Disastrous Boy Actually
Embarrass Can’t Address
Environment Car Although
Equipment Cat Answer
Equipped Clothes Appear
Especially Cold Arrive
Exaggerate Coming Believe
This week, I would like your child to research 10 facts about Yellowstone National Park and record them in their homework books. In our English lessons next week, we will be planning and writing a non-chronological report about Yellowstone. One fact could be a diagram of a native animal, plant etc. Please support your child in making sure they understand the facts they record, and that they choose ones that genuinely capture their imagination.
Homework: 21. 09. 2018
Each week, your child will be given a spelling list to learn, along with an English or Maths task. It is the expectation that children continue to use Times Table Rockstars three times a week, as all children will be assessed on their recall of their tables every fortnight.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (28. 09. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B:
Desperate Baby
Competition Bad
Conscience Bear
Conscious Bed
Controversy Been
Convenience Before
Correspond Began
Criticise Best
Curiosity Better
Definite Birds
This week, I would like your child to complete all the activities on one sheet on the document below. They are differentiated, so please pick the most appropriate sheet for your child's needs. We have completed many similar activities in class. Your child needs to cut out each question, stick it in their homework book and complete the question in their book.
Homework: 14. 09. 2018
Each week, your child will be given a spelling list to learn, along with an English or Maths task. It is the expectation that children continue to use Times Table Rockstars three times a week, as all children will be assessed on their recall of their tables every fortnight.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (21. 09. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B:
Available Across
Average After
Awkward Again
Bargain Air
Bruise Along
Category Animals
Cemetery Another
Committee Any
Community Around
Communicate Away
This week, I would like your child to complete the worksheet below. We have completed a similar activity in class, where the children think of an adjective to describe the pictures to write in the 'bronze' column. Children then try to improve this adjective by using a thesaurus, and put their new word in the 'silver' column. Finally, they then include similes and personification to create a phrase for the 'gold' column.
Homework: 07. 09. 2018
Each week, your child will be given a spelling list to learn, along with an English or Maths task. It is the expectation that children continue to use Times Table Rockstars three times a week, as all children will be assessed on their recall of their tables every fortnight.
Below are the spelling lists to learn for a test next Friday (14. 09. 2018). Your child has been informed which list they are learning.
List A: List B:
Accommodate Beautiful
Accompany Because
According Come
Achieve Everybody
Aggressive Hour
Amateur Money
Ancient People
Apparent Said
Appreciate Some
Attached With
This week's homework is maths based. I would like your child to learn the value of each letter when using roman numerals to record numbers (see table below). This will give your child a head-start when we start to cover roman numerals in class at the end of next week. Nothing needs to be handed into the homework tray this week.
One |
Five |
Ten |
Fifty |
Hundred |
Five Hundred |
Thousand |
I |
V |
X |
L |
C |
D |
M |