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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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School Ambassadors


Our Year 6 pupils are invited to take on the important 'Ambassador' role in the life of our school. Ambassadors are responsible for welcoming visitors to the school, conducting school tours, helping new children to settle in and, most importantly, are the ultimate role models for other children in the school.  


In order to be considered for the role, pupils in Year 6 are invited to fill out an application form and those shortlisted are asked to attend an interview with Mrs Sampson and Mrs Tuttlebee.  


The appointed pupils set very high standards in their conduct.  They are highly regarded and respected by the school community.  The appointed pupils promote the school at various events and are confident to speak in front of a wide range of audiences.  They contribute to the development of the school.  Only pupils in Year 6 can be appointed to this position and it is a prestigious role.  

