Calendar Dates
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 (Caterpillars) - Mr Addison
So, let's make a start then! I have uploaded the first of the weekly plans onto the website, along with some of the necessary resources. You will be able to access it using the buttons below. You will be able to share completed work and ask questions on the new Class Dojo page. Where the children see a task on Dojo, it is the same as the task on the plan below. Dojo will be the place where the children can share their work, but all the task are all on this page. It will be a learning process for everyone, so please don't get anxious if things take longer than planned and some things don't get done to start with. This is new territory for included!
As before, stay safe and well. I am thinking of you all and really miss seeing your smiles everyday!
Computational Thinking at Adastral Park
We had great fun on our Ancient Egyptian Day!

Creating and Making
We do our fair share of book work in Year 3, but also love to get stuck into creating and making projects!
Parlez vous francais?

In our French lessons, we have been learning how to greet one another and ask some basic questions. It's trickier than it looks!
Science: Turning Liquids to Solids.
In Science, we have been investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We used salted ice to lower the temperature of a milk and syrup mix until it became a solid (AKA Ice cream!).