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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Hello Year 6, we hope you have had a great weekend.  All of the learning and work for week 2 is here.  Week 2 will take you from Monday 27th April until Friday 1st May.  I will post lots of little videos onto Class Dojo to give you any support and advice that you might need.


Start each day by looking at the learning plan.  This will give you the English, maths and an afternoon subject for each day.


Read through the activity really carefully and then check on Class Dojo to see if there is anything extra for you to see.  Have a go at each activity, try your best and don't forget to make sure your work is neatly presented.



Here are the maths activities for this week.


I will post a little video onto Class Dojo each day to give you some support and advice about the maths.  When you click on the link on the maths plan, you will be able to find the answer sheet as well.  So, have a go at the activity and then either mark your own work or get someone in your family to mark it and then have a chat to see how you did.



Friday 1st May - Maths Challenge - I will upload this piece of maths work on Thursday.

SPaG - Friday 1st May


Here is your SPaG work for Friday 1st May.  I shall post a video onto Class Dojo to give you some support and advice.

Wednesday 29th April - Your English work is to listen as I read chapter 1 (this is actually the third chapter of the book).  I have recorded myself reading chapter 1 and have uploaded this onto Class Dojo.  You might like to read the chapter yourself and so I am going to photo the chapter, page by page and post it here.