Calendar Dates
Today you need to complete the following:
- Times Tables Rock Stars (Garage and Sound Check)
- Maths Lesson : Revisit Tuesday's lesson - Write decimals
- Break
- Spelling: Spelling test
- English: Complete your leaflet about Tobago
- Lunch
- 30 minutes reading
- Art
- 60 minutes of physical exercise
I have tried six times to upload a video to support Friday's maths lesson and it has crashed every time. I will keep trying during the evening and if necessary, early tomorrow morning.
If you completed the White Rose work for this lesson, please have a look at the Classroom Secrets resources. Most of you should complete the 'Expected Fluency' and 'Expected Problem Solving'. You can try the work at 'Greater Depth' if you want, but it exceeds the requirements of the Year 4 curriculum and you are not 'expected' to be able to do it.
The activity that I have chosen requires shaving foam and inks / food colouring. If you do not have these resources, or would prefer to do a different activity, please choose an alternative from the 'paint and draw' group. The arrow towards the right of the screen will give you more options, there are twenty-four to choose from.
Each week, I intend to set an activity from a different group:
Paint and draw
Cut and paste
Colouring books and masks
Art and technology