Calendar Dates
Summer Term 2019
Tricky words and High frequency words
Please continue to read with your child three times a week at home and for this to be recorded in the reading record. We will then send home three new books and once your child has read all three books. Happy reading! I have attached the tricky words and high frequency words for the children to practise reading.
The children need to be able to read and spell our tricky words. Please can they practise spelling these at home each week. Please see list of tricky words attached above. I have also attached the year 1 tricky words for the children to have a go at spelling, once they have learnt all the tricky words to phase 5.
Please find link above to phonics play where the children can play different phonics games for free online.
By the end of Reception, the children need to be able to count, order and identify numbers 1-20. Please can you practise the following mathematical skills:
-Counting correctly to twenty and then beyond.
-Identifying numbers to 20 and then to 100.
-Ordering numbers 1-20 and then beyond.
-Finding one more/one less of a number to twenty and then beyond.
-Practise forming numbers correctly.
-Adding and subtracting numbers to twenty and beyond.
-Counting in tens and then the two and five times table.
-Number bonds to ten (finding which two numbers add together to make ten e.g. 9+1, 8+2. 7+3 etc.)
-Number bonds to twenty.
-Doubling numbers (1+1, 2+2, 3+3 etc.)
-Finding halve of a number.
-Naming 2D and 3D shapes.
-Describing the properties of shapes.
-Please find link above where the children can play a range of different maths games, practising a range of different mathematical skills.
Creative project
Our first creative project for the second half of the Summer term is to make something associated with our new topic 'Plants and Animals'. The children can make whatever they like and choose the resources they would like to use. A few suggestions are:
-Paint a picture of a plant/animal
-Clay model of different plants/animals
-Information book/leaflet/poster about plants/animals
-Grow a plant/Keep a plant diary
-Poster about looking after plants/animals
Have fun and be creative! Please could the creative homework task come into school on Monday 15th July 2019.