Calendar Dates
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 - Fox Class - Mrs Baker/Mrs Lea
Welcome to Year 6's class website page! Please come and visit our page regularly as we will be posting lots of pictures and information about what we have been doing in Year 6.
Sailing 2017
Loving Cycling for Sport

Year 6 Junior Road Safety Officers have been putting together a presentation for Year 1!

Y6 having fun bowling - after SATs treat, they tried SO hard, we are proud of them!
Summer term 2017 newsletter
Outdoor learning fun!
2017 KS2 SATs Parent Information
Thorpe Woodlands - Tuesday morning
Year 6 are having a FAB time! The weather is amazing, they are joining in with everything and even got a good night's sleep on the first night Have a look at the photos so far...
Roman History with Mr Hurley! 20.03.17 Mr Hurley has brought in his Roman artefacts and we created a Roman battle formation
The year 6 girls had a great time at BT this morning. We looked at different technologies and how they are being used at the moment as well as looking at new technologies that we may all be seeing soon. This was part of a project to encourage more girls in to science, technology, engineering and maths. I hope this has inspired some of you.
World Book Day!

Art Project Making and Designing Mosaics
Half term project - Bring in food from your chosen country for tasting!
26.01.17 This term Year 6 will be reading Treasure Island!
26.01.16 Year 6 have been working hard with their maths revision for SATS
Y6 Spring newsletter
Y6 enjoying practical Science!
Christmas lunch

Christingle - Year 6 made us proud holding their Christingles in the Service led by Rev Matthew
01.12.16 Mr Tyte has been in to discuss Enterprise with us and we created a class business
This half term our class novel is The Jungle Book - we are looking forward to seeing the 3D film next week!
Remembrance Day Poetry
Today we have been looking at First World War poetry and using it as inspiration to write our own poems reflecting on war and remembering those that have fought for our freedom. I am really proud of all of poems that the children have written which have shown a deep reflection and mature attitude.
Here are a few of the poems to share with you. If you would like to read the rest they are on poppies outside our classroom. Mrs Baker.
As we fight,
during the dead of night,
there is never any light.
We battle to win,
to have the glory
on our sin.
We die.
We live.
We suffer to survive.
But we do all of this to keep you alive!
Battle is here.
But we need it to disappear.
Soldiers gone,
war is long.
But how can we fight,
when there is no light.
By Amber
Soldiers trudge with fatigue,
bombs keep falling.
I keep falling
to my lifeless legs.
Scars on my face.
My rotten boots stay in the sinking mud.
My unblinking eyes too scared to close,
the guns shouting and howling.
Bang! ..... Bang! ...
Scars on my face.
Poppies start to grow in the grass.
I'm lifeless as I trudge,
through the grass with my heavy legs.
Scars on my face.
By Keagan
A single shot in the dead of night.
A body fallen.
So many hearts broken by that single blow.
Just a boy, so unprepared.
His life hardly touched.
At the strike of eleven war draws to an end
And a few survivors return home.
Not physically but mentally scarred.
Forever haunted by the memories
But still in one of the rows,
Where the poppies grow.
A lifeless body lay dead.
By Emma
Egyptian Day!
Science day 31.10.16
Thanksgiving Feast!
17.10.16 Computing - We have been designing APPs and then pitching our ideas to the class. The one with the most votes got a prize!

High School applications need to be in soon!
05.10.16 Here are some pictures of Years 5 and 6 during Ising pop rehearsals
05.10.16 Next time you are in school, take a look at our Year 6 writing wall in the corridor.

30.09.16 Our class novel this half term is Kensuke's Kingdom! We have been basing all of our writing on Michael Morporgo's famous novel!

30.09.16 Computing! This week we have been looking and recognising at Inputs and Outputs.
English writing based on the short film The piano 21.09.16
English Work 15.09.16
This week we have been creating diary entries based on a flashback film called The Piano. The children have been writing in the first person and have been exploring powerful vocabulary to convey emotion. A link to the film is below and we will post some final results of our writing on the website next week.
English writing stimulus - The piano

First Week Back 09.09.16!
This week the children have been introduced to their buddies!
On Tuesday afternoon we joined up with Year R so the children could read books, create stories and help the younger children settle in. This is part of our PSHE work on Citizenship. The children really enjoyed themselves and had a lovely afternoon.