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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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  • Pond and raised bed progress

    Sun 29 May 2016 Mrs Mitchell
    People were working hard on the PD day to further transform the raised bed and pond area of the school. Have a look at the photos below to see how things are going. Thanks again to the PFA for funding the carpenter Andy who replaced the decking in the pond area and has worked on replacing the raised beds.
  • Well done Year 6

    Fri 13 May 2016 Mrs Mitchell
    This week was SATs week and I am sure everyone saw lots of news about the tests in the media. Meanwhile back at school, our year 6 took it all in their stride! The tests this year were harder than they had ever been but despite that, the children showed resilience and a determination to do their best throughout the week. Well done to all of them, no doubt there will be lots more in the Press about the whole system but we will know we have done our best and we can't ask for more. no
  • Girls' Football Week

    Sun 01 May 2016 Mrs Mitchell

    Thanks to Emma who came into school last week to encourage more girls to get into football. All the girls in the school from year 1 - 6 got a chance to practice their skills to give them an opportunity to enjoy the game and give them more confidence. Photos on the Sport
