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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Year 2

Year 2 - Hedgehog Class   

Mrs S Bowman


Welcome to year two's class page. Here you will be able to find out about what is happening in the year 2 classroom and the learning experiences we are having. In class two we aim to be positive, confident and resilient learners. This half term we will be learning through our topic of 'Africa'.

Remember to check our page to see what we have been up to.

Y2 - reading with your child

05.06.2019 - African Art Textiles Workshop

04.03.2019 - Our Living Eggs have arrived. We are very excited!

11.01.2019 - Practicing and applying our Math money skills on the tablets

09.01.2019 - Computer coding - We have started learning how to code with Mr Orrin using Scratch software.

09.10.2018 - Electric Circuits

In Science we have been learning about electricity. We have investigated making our own simple circuits to light a bulb or make a buzzer work. We have also investigated which circuits work and which do not giving reasons why.

18.09.2018 - Team Games in PE

Today we were working as teams to dress our scarecrows! The aim of the game was to travel in different ways to collect and item of clothing (equipment) and then travel to put it on our scarecrow. The winning team was the scarecrow who was wearing the most clothes once the whistle was blown. We Had lots of fun!
