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East Bergholt CEVC Primary School

'I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10

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Today you need to complete the following:

  • Maths Minutes (Flashback Week 1 Day 4)
  • Maths Lesson 4: Compare and order angles
  • Break
  • Spelling: Practise the tricky words using different techniques
  • English:  Write an email to Roz
  • Lunch
  • Read for 30 minutes
  • Science
  • 60 minutes of physical exercise 


Science (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon)

NP: I have seen some excellent work, that has been a pleasure to read.  However, I am yet to see a food chain, or a diagram that shows how the features of the animal help it to survive in the habitat (ears, eyesight, scent glands, teeth, coat, long legs etc.).


Create an informative poster, Powerpoint or booklet about one or more of the animals that lives in the North American conifer forest.


You need to include information about:


Habitat – Describe the North American conifer forest habitat


Life cycle – Draw the stages of the animal’s life cycle


Food – What it eats and its place in the food chain


Survival - hibernation, camouflage, spines etc


Behaviours - Communication, groups, herds, alone


These links might help, but please research more widely:

Animal Behaviours:

- Winter shutdown:

 - Hibernation:

- Playing possum:
